Antonio Conte

Former P&C or La Grande Inter?

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Dec 23, 2014
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Fuck this piece of shit. And Marotta who brought him here. He won us scudetto but at what cost? To be stuck with these players that can only play fkn 3 5 2 system???! If Spalettone was backed up by Suning like Conte we would rule shitty league for years,just look what he did with Napoli, in two fkn years! Did you ever saw Conte team playing like that? Never and never will. And he was cheap for fuck sake. Now its too late. We are stuck with 3 5 2,with mediocre flanks. Look at fkn beelan. 3-4-3. They have Theo, Leao, even friggin Messias on flank's that are fast and can fuck up every defence. Tonali is bossing again, we lost him cause Conte wanted that alcoholic old bum Vidal. They have youth players and what we have now, who is our prospect, Mikhitarijan and Dzeko? 🤮🤣
Marotta needs to fuck off. We need someone who will bring us balsy coach with fresh ideas, need proper scouts too, we need another fresh start, enough with these Seria A 3 5 2 bums.
Are you serious? We are not stuck with Conte's players apart from Lazaro. We sold Hakimi and Lukaku for total of more than 160.mln, Barella and Bastoni are highly valuated and we can easily sell them, if we want. Darmian was great purchase and he can play as RB as well. Spalletti brought us fucking Vecino, Nainggolan and lost Zaniolo. He is only a coach at Napoli, and I really doubt that he has any word about transfers. I also don't want Conte back, for other reasons, but it's fact that he knows which players will fit in his system. See Kulushevski. Marotta should hire him as chief scout, because I don't want more of Inzaghi's scumbags.

bubba zanetti

Sep 8, 2020
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Chino Recoba
Are you serious? We are not stuck with Conte's players apart from Lazaro. We sold Hakimi and Lukaku for total of more than 160.mln, Barella and Bastoni are highly valuated and we can easily sell them, if we want. Darmian was great purchase and he can play as RB as well. Spalletti brought us fucking Vecino, Nainggolan and lost Zaniolo. He is only a coach at Napoli, and I really doubt that he has any word about transfers. I also don't want Conte back, for other reasons, but it's fact that he knows which players will fit in his system. See Kulushevski. Marotta should hire him as chief scout, because I don't want more of Inzaghi's scumbags.
We are stuck with shitty, decadent 3 5 2 stuff. We cant change it cause Conte brought us players that fit that crap. This guy's team cant even score against beelan, having players like Kane, Son, Kula, Perisic upfront.. Same team that grandpa Dzeko was making fun off last month..
See Kulushevski, what??? See Kane, see Son, see Perisic.... Imagine turning Son into shit player, thats almost impossible to achieve but Conte did it. Cause his rigid tactic sucks. Thats why.


May 22, 2004
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Man United has Ten Hag and they are in top 4 zone. Unless they flop massively at the end of the season, why on Earth would they change the coach?

Clubs start to understand Conte truly cannot handle multiple competitions at once and top clubs do not want to focus on one competition per season.
Wait i m not suggesting he gets a job right away or that manu will hire him after Ten.........Or that ten will get fired soon but kets say shit hits the fan in jan next season at Manu and conte does not have a job he for sure would be a hot candidate to take that seat.

Also like many pointed out most likely he ll get mancinis job. I just dont think his career coaching top teams is over.


Mar 22, 2018
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We are stuck with shitty, decadent 3 5 2 stuff. We cant change it cause Conte brought us players that fit that crap. This guy's team cant even score against beelan, having players like Kane, Son, Kula, Perisic upfront.. Same team that grandpa Dzeko was making fun off last month..
See Kulushevski, what??? See Kane, see Son, see Perisic.... Imagine turning Son into shit player, thats almost impossible to achieve but Conte did it. Cause his rigid tactic sucks. Thats why.
Dude, tottenham were 6th, 7th in prior seasons. Perisic is shit, deal with it

bubba zanetti

Sep 8, 2020
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Chino Recoba
Dude, tottenham were 6th, 7th in prior seasons. Perisic is shit, deal with it
Son? Kane also.. Yea right. Well Perisic is shit but atleast he wasnt ever laughing stock like that dude you idolize.


Dec 23, 2014
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We are stuck with shitty, decadent 3 5 2 stuff. We cant change it cause Conte brought us players that fit that crap.
Show me who are those players precisely?
Kolarov retire.
Darmian can play as RB
Barella can play in other formation
Sensi can play in every formation if he is fit
Alexis Sanchez can play in other formation
Lukaku was sold
Hakimi was sold
Young left
Eriksen can play in other formation
Vidal left

It's only Lazaro, who is mostly fit for 3 man formation. So, your argument is absolutely invalid.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 21, 2009
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If we go to a "back 4", we'd play the same way as we do now but with Darmian or Dimarco named at RCB/LCB.

bubba zanetti

Sep 8, 2020
Favorite Player
Chino Recoba
Show me who are those players precisely?
Kolarov retire.
Darmian can play as RB
Barella can play in other formation
Sensi can play in every formation if he is fit
Alexis Sanchez can play in other formation
Lukaku was sold
Hakimi was sold
Young left
Eriksen can play in other formation
Vidal left

It's only Lazaro, who is mostly fit for 3 man formation. So, your argument is absolutely invalid.
After Conte left we couldn't afford to bring three new wings(atleast two cause you need also backup for that position), we had only Perisic. Now we have no one. Bastoni is there who fits perfectly in back 3, maybe we should try him in LB but we didnt. Young left we got Dimarco who cant play in back four, Gosens also fits better as lwb not LB. Dumfries came instead of Hakimi, he is shit playing rwb or rb it doesnt matter. So cause of Conte;
-we brought coach who plays same system,
-players that left or we sold we switched with ones that play same position.

So now, if we want to change this 3 5 2 rubbish we need 4 new wingers, atleast one RB(Darmian can play rb or Lb), and one Lb. We need proper CB cause Skriniar is gone. We would also need to bring one good DM atleast. Thats 5 or 6 new players minimum if we want to change our system. And we cant do that cause we are broke. So I am right when I say cause of Conte we are stuck with this system. Maybe we could try 4 4 2 than we dont need wingers but again than we need more quality midfielders and rb/lb. Only way what we can do now is sell and get replacement(same position) for free. We cant get 6 new players, for that we need money to spend, the same way we had when Conte came and got what he wanted. Now imagine if Spalettone was backed up like Conte. 4-3-3. Got Barella, Eriksen, get him two wingers instead clowns like Moses and Lazaro. If you think 3 5 2 is better thats fine for me, but when I see how Napoli plays and how we play than fuck this back 3 nonsense. The worst thing is that right now we dont even have players for system we play now, I mean we have but for top 4 fight, not scudetto fight.


Dec 23, 2014
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After Conte left we couldn't afford to bring three new wings(atleast two cause you need also backup for that position), we had only Perisic. Now we have no one.
This is not a fault of Conte, but the lack of funds and investment in the squad. For this is responsible Zhang, not Conte.
Bastoni is there who fits perfectly in back 3, maybe we should try him in LB but we didnt. Young left we got Dimarco who cant play in back four, Gosens also fits better as lwb not LB. Dumfries came instead of Hakimi, he is shit playing rwb or rb it doesnt matter. So cause of Conte;
-we brought coach who plays same system,
-players that left or we sold we switched with ones that play same position.
Again, where is Conte's fault? Zhang and Marotta decided to stick to 3-5-2, because that was the cheapest solution.
So now, if we want to change this 3 5 2 rubbish we need 4 new wingers, atleast one RB(Darmian can play rb or Lb), and one Lb. We need proper CB cause Skriniar is gone. We would also need to bring one good DM atleast. Thats 5 or 6 new players minimum if we want to change our system. And we cant do that cause we are broke. So I am right when I say cause of Conte we are stuck with this system.
No, you are not right. We are not broken because of Conte, but because Zhang's financial empire was shaken, and he stopped investing in the club.

Maybe we could try 4 4 2 than we dont need wingers but again than we need more quality midfielders and rb/lb. Only way what we can do now is sell and get replacement(same position) for free. We cant get 6 new players, for that we need money to spend, the same way we had when Conte came and got what he wanted.
When Conte came here, there were moneys to be spent, with the clear objective to get the scudetto. That was achieved, and we were able to sell two pieces from this team for 175 mln, when Conte left. With those moneys, the transition could have been made, because as i've said before, all of the other players which remained, could fit in other formations.

Now imagine if Spalettone was backed up like Conte. 4-3-3. Got Barella, Eriksen, get him two wingers instead clowns like Moses and Lazaro.
Spalletti got Nainggolan, Vecino, Politano and lost Zaniolo. Let's say that Lazaro's cost is the same as Vecino's, but Moses, Young, etc were free. We didn't pay almost anything there apart from the salaries. If we didn't go for Conte, and decided to keep with 4-2-3-1, we could have made huge investments as well, don't be deluded. We lacked good AM, cuz 9n was a failure, better winger than Politano and Candreva, new back up for Perisic, as Keita Balde was on loan. New decent RB, as Cedric and Vrsaljko were also on loan. Let's not forget for new forward, as Icardi was on his way out.
If you think 3 5 2 is better thats fine for me, but when I see how Napoli plays and how we play than fuck this back 3 nonsense. The worst thing is that right now we dont even have players for system we play now, I mean we have but for top 4 fight, not scudetto fight.
i don't say that 3-5-2 is better. I'm just saying that there it is not Conte's fault of our current situation and team. Also, there is no truth in the statement that "we are stuck with Conte's players and due to that we couldn't invest in other formation"
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La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
10 years of FIF
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This is not a fault of Conte, but the lack of funds and investment in the squad. For this is responsible Zhang, not Conte.
You cannot say that Zhang didn't invest for Conte's squad.
Everything else being correct doesn't make this one right, too.

We probably spent more under Conte in two seasons than the previous 3 and next 2 seasons combined!

Il Drago

Dec 21, 2015
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When Conte left we could have easily switched to 4-3-1-2 or even 4-3-2-1 without making many changes. But we wanted to stick with 3-5-2 and that's why management went for Inzaghi. If anything we are more stuck with 3-5-2 now than we were in 2021.


Dec 23, 2014
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You cannot say that Zhang didn't invest for Conte's squad.
Everything else being correct doesn't make this one right, too.
I meant the lack of investments in the club after Conte, is the reason why we couldn't strengthen the team or change the formation. Not the players left by Conte as bubba claiming.
We probably spent more under Conte in two seasons than the previous 3 and next 2 seasons combined!
That is true, but there is reason behind it. Suning had the money and they wanted to invest. Previous two seasons the club was under the stirct FFP monitoring and the target was to make it in CL, in order to get some income and to be possible to invest in better players. Spalletti achieved this one, and then Conte spent the fruits of Spalletti's labor. It was not fair to Spalletti, but it worked for us, as we won the scudetto.


May 22, 2004
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10 years of FIF
When Conte left we could have easily switched to 4-3-1-2 or even 4-3-2-1 without making many changes. But we wanted to stick with 3-5-2 and that's why management went for Inzaghi. If anything we are more stuck with 3-5-2 now than we were in 2021.
What? Why do you think that squad when conte left looked very similar to our current one... Midfield pretty much the same, Attack the same defense slightly changed but i would not say our current defenders are less adept of playing 4 at the back than we were under conte...

Like i dont think it would take much for this squad to play with a back 4. We have the midfield for it and the strikers....
We dont really have a great LB or RB but we did not have them under conte either...

Il Drago

Dec 21, 2015
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Wesley Sneijder
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What? Why do you think that squad when conte left looked very similar to our current one... Midfield pretty much the same, Attack the same defense slightly changed but i would not say our current defenders are less adept of playing 4 at the back than we were under conte...

Like i dont think it would take much for this squad to play with a back 4. We have the midfield for it and the strikers....
We dont really have a great LB or RB but we did not have them under conte either...

Because we had Perisic and Sanchez who could play on the wing. Now there's no one.

bubba zanetti

Sep 8, 2020
Favorite Player
Chino Recoba
I meant the lack of investments in the club after Conte, is the reason why we couldn't strengthen the team or change the formation. Not the players left by Conte as bubba claiming.

That is true, but there is reason behind it. Suning had the money and they wanted to invest. Previous two seasons the club was under the stirct FFP monitoring and the target was to make it in CL, in order to get some income and to be possible to invest in better players. Spalletti achieved this one, and then Conte spent the fruits of Spalletti's labor. It was not fair to Spalletti, but it worked for us, as we won the scudetto.
Maybe I expressed wrongly, I was reffering to system Conte left us more than players. Seeing how Napoli is great I am totally convinced that we could become great under Spalettone if he was backed by club like ungrateful greedy cunt Conte. And who said we are broke cause of Conte lol I didnt said that.


Dec 23, 2014
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Maybe I expressed wrongly, I was reffering to system Conte left us more than players. Seeing how Napoli is great I am totally convinced that we could become great under Spalettone if he was backed by club like ungrateful greedy cunt Conte. And who said we are broke cause of Conte lol I didnt said that.
Ok, but again, you just grab one piece of many and present it as the whole picture. Conte system remains, but as i said, those players were completely capable playing in other systems as well. There is a benefit of Conte, which you miss. The mentality, which he inserted in the players. That was something that we lacked, and unfortunately, something that didn't last too long after his departure. Another point is that at Napoli, the coach doesn't have the same involvement in transfers, as in Inter. And, this is a big liability to Spalletti, because his choices (Naingglan, Vecino, Valero etc), were mediocre. Conte from another hand, knows precisely which players will work well for him. The next thing, is the clubs themselves. Napoli have great scouting and rarely make costly mistakes on the market, alike Inter. They had some transitioning period from their previous team (assembled after Mazzari era, when they sold Cavani, Lavezzi), but at the end step by step they made a very strong side. They got Kvicha, who turned out to click amazing with Oshimen. Something like Lukaku-Lautaro duo, under Conte. Last season, they got Anguissa, who immediately fitted in their midfield. They lost Ruiz and Koulibaly, but replaced them good enough in order to do not suffer in quality. Sorry, but this is something in that Inter is miles behind, despite the progress last few seasons (when Conte was here). So, there are many factors here, not only Spalletti and Conte.


Prima Squadra
Prima Squadra
Jul 31, 2019
Conte should be someone’s no.2, the right hand man of a proper manager who makes decisions. Because Conte doesn’t really make decisions, he just sticks to one game plan.

The way Conte sets up his teams, it becomes hard for them to switch it off and do their business because he is so rigid that any player who goes off script is yelled at and benched. See Eriksen and the many times he said that he had trouble understanding Conte because he literally wanted him to do exactly as requested.


Mar 22, 2018
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Son? Kane also.. Yea right. Well Perisic is shit but atleast he wasnt ever laughing stock like that dude you idolize.
Let me correct myself, Perisic had been an excellent signing for us most of the time, I cannot complain, but today's Perisic is not on par anymore, unfortunately. Maybe he can find the motivation to improve his performance next season, but it's challenging for many people when you are in your mid-30s, so I understand him.
Regarding Son and Kane, you have to understand that Conte's football doesn't allow too much freedom, you have to keep it tight at the back. Both of them might have their productivity dropped in terms of goals/assists, but as a team, they are more competitive. If they replace Conte with let's say Poch, yeah, both of them will probably produce more but be finishing 6th as a team. Most of their players are really not up to the standards of a top4 contender team, especially their CBs.