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  1. Khalifa

    FI Bernabeu Travel Group

    thanks fab
  2. Khalifa

    CL tickets final thread

    where the inter fans sitting? does anyone know?
  3. Khalifa

    FI Bernabeu Travel Group

    to the fabios out there - could you please tell me where the inter fans are going to be sitting in the stadium? is there a way of finding out? this is very important, cause i will like to be as close as possible to them.
  4. Khalifa

    FI Bernabeu Travel Group

    Ok - i'm in the middle of trying to get a ticket to the game, so if that happens, i'm in Madrid and also going to Milano if we win. Hal, dont bitch out now.
  5. Khalifa

    Happy bday to pablito

    happy birthday bro...
  6. Khalifa

    Inter - Parma (13 Sep 09)

    I don't think Mourinho is too worried about pissing off balotelli. I see the same side against milan, but with Santon playing.
  7. Khalifa

    Nerazzurro Up North

    i left toronto around 9 months ago. But as i said, i'm going to try and post more....especially with the season kicking. how are all the canadian wannabes here doing?
  8. Khalifa

    Bannings and Suspensions

  9. Khalifa

    Bannings and Suspensions

    Congratulations in kicking that C**t out. I've never been a big poster...but i kept checking on you guys whenever i had a chance. There is a better breeze around here these days though.
  10. Khalifa

    Bannings and Suspensions

    As much as enteirtainment and page fillers Azzkicker contributed to, he truly was the reason why this forum was getting off track.... Since he's gone...i'm sure a lot of posters will be back...
  11. Khalifa

    Tickets to Stadio Giuseppe Meazza

    Its organized...home derby...
  12. Khalifa

    Tickets to Stadio Giuseppe Meazza

    Enjoy your trip Han. Kt, whens our next rendezvous? Its 200% im there for the home derby and hopefully the Home jube game...
  13. Khalifa

    Nerazzurro Down Under

    unsecured there buddy? Hope you lot is good....i'm sure the forum will need a bit of more flavor in these rough days.
  14. Khalifa

    Nerazzurro Down Under

    AUSTRALIA....How do you do wankers?
  15. Khalifa

    Inter - Milan (15 Feb 09)

    i think i just Ziyad on TV at the stadium..holding a Bahrain flag..
  16. Khalifa

    New Here. Man United fan!

    hey buddy, do you know how i can get tickets for this game at the OT, as an away fan..???
  17. Khalifa

    José "The Special One" Mourinho

    Your not incompotent buddy, you have the right to say whatever you want, stupid or not. I'm not a poster due to the reason that I dont give myself a headache. Rarely, I decided to say a thing or two, pick on one or two. Anyways, I'll tell you one and a half difference everytime I watch Inter...
  18. Khalifa

    José "The Special One" Mourinho

    doesnt need to be judged later on. You talk like you train with the team. If you don't see the clear changes, then i suggest you should watch some ping pong.
  19. Khalifa

    Ricardo Quaresma

    If you play football and not a fanboy, then your obviously quick to judge, which for me, basically means you haven't thought about all the dimensions present. The argument about him has reached such a low that your(peeps on the forum) saying he can't pass and can't cross, thus, concluding that...