I don't think Asllani is a world beater, but I seriously can't imagine this "the grass is greener on the other side" statement have any validity in reality. Bennacer doesn't seem like the right fit for us, while Asllani is, albeit in the limited way that make people hate players like him, Gagliardini, Muntari and so on. I don't mind an average player here and there, we had them before when we were winning and we have them now in this Inter era too.
But I refuse the notion that Asllani is so devoid of talent that he must get hated every time he plays and every his good contribution needs to be ignored.
I think he has some potential to become a better player (which goes for anybody, but for him it's easy to say that since he's one of our younger players), maybe even somebody who could play in all 3 spots in our midfield, as I see him fitting this Inter more than, let's say - Frattesi - who is a better player overall. Let Asllani bulk up a bit and let him get more technical to be closer to how Hakan, Zielinski, Mkhitaryan and Barella move with the ball and I think he can show his true worth.
And if he doesn't progress, let's just hope we found somebody better to play more than him. But even in this state he is USEFUL to us and anybody who says that isn't true is a liar.