I really don't know how to explain it other than this, u can see that he is miles better than any midfielder in this squad, just the fact that he can pick up a pass make a dribble or get into a dangerous position or play a good pass to another player without doing anything extraordinary makes the midfield so much better, he doesn have to score screamers or be that Baggio type playmaker for him to be amazing.
He just needs to keep the attacking phase ticking so to speak. the more start he gets the more time he spends on the field with his teammates he will then start improving and exceling in other aspects of his game. Starting him 1 game benching him the next 3 then putting him in the 80th minute is not the solution, not to mention ur midfield through the middle is non existent attacking wise.
He is not doing worse than any other midfielder that has been playing for Conte during these 2 seasons. I would argue that there are players that have been abolsute garbage yet start games and dont get subbed. Thats the issue, Conte starts him 1 game and is already thinking about subbing him off 10 mins in, thats one of the reasons he is a trash coach, on top of him being stubborn and two faced liar and probably bi-polar and has anger issues...i could go on.