The Sunday 20th of May will never be forgotten and is the happiest day of my life. To make this day even happier two teams of my heart contributed. In this day the team of my city FC Drita became a champion of Kosova's Super League after 15 years, and at the same time Inter was qualified in Champion's League after 7 seasons.
This is the 20th May's history.
My city's team has been fighting for the champion's title against capital's team (FC Prishtina). Before the final match, Drita was in the first place with 66 points, Fc Prishtina with 63 points. The last match was on Sunday at 16:00pm, Prishtina-Drita where it was determined for the champion title. Prishtina was aboriginal eventhought the matches were played in another city because of their stadium reconstruction. We organized to go with 40 buses and lots of private cars since the match was played in a city that is 3 hours far from mine, but Prishtina did not accept and limited the number of the fans in only 100 and informed us that on Sunday the streets will be blocked for our fans. When we understood that we cannot enter in the city on Sunday, we as fans left at about 3 o'clockam with private cars.
The city in the morning was blocked with the fans of our team. The match started at 16:00pm, and in the stadium there were only 100 fans of our team, but outside of it there were 5000 of us. In that day I was under preassure. My mind was only thinking about DRITA and INTER.
The match results were 0-0 and we were announced champions after 15 years. All the fans were crying and could not believe what was happening.
During the title celebration I met a lot of Inter fans and we were all saying that now it is Inter's turn to make us happy. In my city, we usually watch all Inter's matches in a bar, and believe me that there are lots of Inter's fans. After the enthusiasm for the title we all returned to our city together to start the real party and to expect the players in our city. It was an extraordinary party and all the roads were blocked. While coming back, Inter's game has already started and I looked at the result and it was 2-1 in the first half. The party in the city was crazy, since we have been waiting for this day for 15years.
The last time that I saw in 'liverscore', it was the 75th minute and the result was 2-1. I thought and said to myself " I am not that lucky to be happy twice in on day". And all that happines I had started to fade because of Inter and i thought that the match was over. During the party in the city together with the players and the fans, nearly 10 Inter fans came close to me, and they all had tears in they eyes and started to dance and sing "CHAMPIONS LEAUGE - CHAMPIONS LEAUGE". And in that moment I asked one of them about the final results of Inter's match, and he replied '2-3' for Inter. Believe me that we were 10-11 people of age 22-30 and we were all crying like children. The party that night continued till the morning since I and some other friends had the luck to celebrate for two victories "Drita's and Inter's".
Maybe this writing was a bit long for some people, but to describe emotions of that day and the happines of 20th May 2018, 1000 pages wouldn't be enough. THIS WAS THE HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE.