FYI Astrix, you can convert thanks to forum credit, called FIF$, (each FIF$ is worth 10 thanks, and you can buy VIP status with 50FIF$, unlocking special features forum, or withdraw to paypal - min 100FIF$ which are $10)
if only that was true, i'd be a fucking millionaire.
Or not, but I'd have like 90$.
Actually, that's an interesting model. Some people could become 'professional' posters who survived only off the thanks they received. You'd need a high thanks per post ratio to do that, though. Ideally you want to make 100$ a day, so you'd need 10,000 thanks a day... hmmm.. not so viable then
It`s easy. We all strip naked and treat everyone`s thank button as a nude horny Jessica Alba. It doenst matter what she says, you gotta fuck dat button to death.