nah it was not nagatomo,,it was perisic and gagliadini,,both of them move to the same side to cover musachio overlap,,,and that giving space for suso to cut inside and shoot,,,
for nagatomo in 2nd half he was just cannot handle borini on 1on1 and at 2nd goal he need to do better to block RR crossing,,,
That's what the naked eye sees initially and that's what I also felt at the time and when I was watching the highlights blissfully last night. They both were at fault, but only because Nagatomo was out of position chasing the wrong player.
Basically Nagatomo left his guy unmarked as he was going towards the center. Gagliardini should have been on that guy. Perisic shouldn't have left, but seeing that Nagatomo was out of position and Gagliardini right behind him, he opted to mark the Milan player on our left (Musacchio iirc).
Essentially Nagatomo forced Gagliardini to defend two people, he was asleep and preferred to be behind Perisic so he wasn't on either of them.
Miranda is in the right position, sort of. He covers the 3rd attacking Milan player in the area and also stands in a position to block the view from the ball playing offensive player. And he also has to be wary of the player Nagatomo chased to the spot and decided to ignore afterwards.
Nagatomo is in no man's land. Perisic fucks up as he can't see that neither Gagliardini nor Nagatomo are doing the right thing tactically and leaves his post to cover his proper position, which was the wrong move here. Without context, Perisic did the right move here, but that's not how a team sport works. And since Nagatomo was doing everything wrong, Gagliardini should have moved towards Suso. The other guy that Nagatomo was chasing is Borini I think. That's who Gagliardini should have gone for, Nagatomo be placed in a position to make a pass to Musacchio difficult and Perisic glued on Suso. Instead, we have this:
Nagatomo still nowhere. Gagliardini realizing that he's making an idiotic move and Perisic going to his right place tactically, which exposed our defense due to Gagliardini's lack of awareness and Nagatomo being undecisive whethere he's going to be man marking Borini in this situation or going to where his tactical position is (where Perisic moved).
It was a triple fuck up, but I can't put most of the blame on Perisic here. He expected Gagliardini to be onto Suso and since Nagatomo was not in his sights, he would expect that he was marking Borini, so he had to move towards the seemingly unmarked player. Leaving Suso unmarked in the process.
P.S: If you look at Perisic's move, he makes a gesture towards Gagliardini saying "you stay, I'll go". His palm seems open