Inter - Napoli (4 Jan 23) [1-0]


Mar 7, 2004
Favorite Player
Toro, Barella
10 years of FIF
It's about the ownership situation and especially the news Zhang have decided to keep the club for the foreseeable future.

Nothing to do with winning or losing for me.

Footballing wise things are nowhere near as bad as pre Calciopoli or banter era. I have seen far worse on the pitch in my years as an Inter fan so that's not the issue.

My issue is there's no hope for the future under this ownership. Nothing to look forward to. We could win Scudetto and reach CL semis and still nothing would change. We would still have no money to rejuvenate the squad which is badly needed. We would still have to sell starters in order to meet Suning financial demands and we would still have no adequate funds to buy proper replacements. Even the traditional selling clubs make serious investments with the money they get from sales. We can't even do that.

So i have no motivation left to watch this never ending circle that started in 2021. The current policy only leads to downsizing. We're just trying to slow down the process.

Anyway, i don't want to spoil the festive mood after this match. Very important win and hopefully we can have a great second part of the season.
Strange way to think. If we win Scudetto and CL what else there is to win?

I mean with new ownership, isn't the point that we would build a team being able to win later? But if we won immediately, then that wouldn't be enough because we had lower chances to win later?

Why is this?

I suggest all you people to live the moment. Of course we can worry about the future and should, but live the moment more and not doom and gloom about the future all the time.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Apr 22, 2005
10 years of FIF
Strange way to think. If we win Scudetto and CL what else there is to win?

I mean with new ownership, isn't the point that we would build a team being able to win later? But if we won immediately, then that wouldn't be enough because we had lower chances to win later?

Why is this?

I suggest all you people to live the moment. Of course we can worry about the future and should, but live the moment more and not doom and gloom about the future all the time.
No, just winning should not be all that matter. Sustainability is also very important, which neither Moratti nor Suning took into account despite keep babbling about a so called project. This approach is exactly what led the club in such a state. For what these two spent, we should have had more titles and more stability, but none were achieved; because the money was not spent wisely and they were not thinking long term.

I'm happy about the 2010 CL win and several Scudettos in that era, but a club like Borussia Dortmund for example (which many here don't want to turn to) reached more CL finals than us for the past decades and have several domestic titles despite having a top dog like Bayern as a rival.

"Just win" is not a sustainable slogan. Many here are infected with this attitude as well. They just want to win, they don't care how. This attitude screams we have no project and don't gave a shit about sustainability. This is why several members were happy with the return of Lukaku and overlooked the negative part of such a deal. They only care about short term fix and shortcuts, which many times won't happen as well. We sacrifice long term project for a quick fix and we achieve neither.

We need a change of philosophy within the club and among the fans who only want to grind wins. For this attitude sustainability means turning into Atalanta and they even look down on Borussia Dortmund like we were way more successful than them for the past decades. But the current state of the club says something else.

We can keep pretending about having the ambitions of a big club, but the results (financially, plan wise and sporting wise) need to confirm it as well.


Mar 7, 2004
Favorite Player
Toro, Barella
10 years of FIF
I was talking about winning Scudetto and CL this season like @Il Drago suggested. I'm not talking about general excessive spending.

What people basically hope is some rich owner who bails us out. Zhangs are downgrading because the club finances say so. Another owner with some business-savvy would do the same.

I truly hope Zhangs are out, but I'm not keeping my hopes up for some rich fucker bailing us out (and if so, not being being some sportswasher). During the season I rather still focus on the moment, which is football.