Something was wrong today. I think that some players are angry about the Kova deal..
Mancini was sitting the whole time and said nothing to the team....
"Why did I join this motherfucking club"
"Why did I join this motherfucking club"
"Let's follow Kovacic"
This is starting to feel like a season written by George RR Martin.
Like GOT, we are on our 6th season written by George R R Martin :work:
Hey Mancini are we improving?? And if we are, can you point it out precisely?? Please...?
I really dont think preseason is any factor for the season except the fitness.
But im still not expecting top 3, not because of the preseason, but because of the fact that the other teams strengthened on positions they we weak, we actually havent. We still lack creative midfielder, and we sold the only one we had, and we lack wingers, and it seems it will be only Perotti. I say, we fight for EL spot at most as it seems, unless the new signings settle in fast and improve dramatically our play, which i doubt.