What do you think about sex with goats? Apparently, it's all the rage with the guys in the chatbox.
Never tried it tbh. So I won't knock it till I try it...
Heathcliff or Garfield?
You're on a stranded island with Browha and Bandiera and each one is trying to convince you to kill the other, what would you do?
Kill myself
MVD is kidnapped by Juve ultras, Devious asks you to assemble 7 of FIF finest for a night raid on Juve stadium to free him, who would those members be? What are their roles?
That's enough, I guess.
However, just for the lolz, I'd take Devious so that he can have his argument with his Juve fan-friend. Shaun, Choppin Onions and Raul Duke so they can confuse them with their accents. Y&h, for coming up with this question. And Tupac, so we can return him
Should Hugh Jackman stop playing Wolverine?
Meh. We're used to him now.
Which two (or more) members on FIF have constant sexual tension?
Obviously those who shared dick pics...
What does the forum mean to you?
My go-to site for everything Inter-related
Who are 7 FIF members you would meet in a bunker during a nuclear attack? Why those guys?
I'd organise some kind of, say, a jousting tournament between all FIF members. The first 7 will join me in my bunker. We'd have to do this soon, because in a nuclear apocalypse, we won't have time for that shit.