lol, i think you need to look up 'work ethics'. Correa is doing absolutely nothing that applies to poor work ethics.
Absurd statement to bring ethics into this.
a belief in work as a moral good : a set of values centered on the importance of doing work and reflected especially in a desire or determination to work hard… See the full definition
"a belief in work as a moral good
: a set of values centered on the importance of doing work and reflected especially in a desire or determination to work hard"
You think Correa has nothing to do with poor work ethics?

In other words Correa has a set of values centered on the importance of doing work and reflected especially in a desire or determination to work hard.
Also I wasn't talking about work ethics, just decency as a human being. There are expectations that are implied when we gave him the contract, which I would say are material information that would change the outcome of the agreement, but it is not possible to prove in legal settings, nor is it reasonable to quantify or define into words (e.g. at least 10 goals or else contract void, which will provide different loop hole etc.) . Similar to some players who are underpaid, but we renewed their contract way before the expiry date due to the unexpected improvement in performance, like Bisseck.
I mean I know it is not entirely just good faith, but we don't have to do it right after it was signed in 1 year.
Like I said legally, he can absolutely do it, but that is just an asshole move, like you can be unfaithful to your boy/girlfriend, it is not illegal, but just no decency as a human being.
Again just cause one might not have it, doesn't mean we can conclude the human race doesn't have it.