I don't agree with this take
There is a distinction between organized tifo groups and criminal activity and the leaders of the CN are being accused of criminal activity. We are not speaking of individuals who do crimes in their personal life and then happen to be part of CN as well , we are speaking about people who use the position as leaders of CN to do crime in and out of the life of the football club.
This ultra culture needs to be banned as simple as that , there is no justification its just an old trend that seems cool and in some places keeps existing. CN shouldn't be any different from any other Inter Fun Club all over the world , they should buy their season tickets like anyone else , have their seat in the stadium , have a board of directors like any other inter club and that board should be responsible to organize everything.
And if as they claim , they care about Inter more than the others , they should show it in the stadium by cheering for the team more than the others , no matter what, rather than feel entitled.
So i would very positive to dismantle the whole leading committee of CN ( both the ones that were active in crime and the ones who were aware but did nothing) and let new people take over and CN can continue being the largest tifo group of Inter , but that's it, just the largest tifo group/inter club nothing more. I was in the stadium on Sunday for the Derby , seeing our CN not show any choreography unlike Milan fans , just because 2 guys , both criminals , killed each other, has nothing to do with sports and most importantly nothing to do with Inter.