Our aim this season is to win the title, Milan's aim this season undoubtedly is to fuck up our aim and nothing more. Also, when it comes to a derby, they can be in the last position with 0 points and still play much better than they usually... Having ssaid this, they didnt deserve a point today. They didnt create shit the first half, and yet scored a dumb goal. This is one of those rare moments that i refuse to go back and read the rest of the comments as the game progressed (something that i enjoy doing), becuase one page, i just cant keep up with some peoples mental gymnastics here...
The same bunch of kids (and its sad to use the word kids for guys that are 25 or even 30+ year old) who cried when Calha was missing, then went into deep analytics to bash everyone who tried to play in his role, then celebrated like its fucking 4th of July when he announced that he is back for the derby, are now the same ones who are saying "bUt hE nOt, rEaDy Zielinski rEady"...
Good thing is napoli also got one point...