always said it. People do not believe me when i say that we need a CB. Acerbi is too old and coming back from an surgery, he won't be starter again probably...If anyone thinks current De Vrij is good enough to start for Inter he should think again
DeVrij has always been 95% rock 5% unreliable all these years with us. Under Conte he was the best CB in Serie A.
England cannot win.
This is pure talent and beautiful game , highly talented coach, sunny weather, beautiful Spanish ladies dancing flamenco vs UK's yuck morning bean's on plate, rainy weather 24/7 , overweight overtattooed Trainsspotting street girls throwing up in a corner of Fish and Chips deli and 7Eleven.
Gareth F Southgate cannot shithouse this!!
It's over mate. Sunday will be one of the greatest days in history of this sport. Sally can't wait anymore,it's coming home.need yamal to save the sport man england winning will be unbearable
All of this could be avoided if Slovakia knew how to keep a lead for one more minute.need yamal to save the sport man england winning will be unbearable
That piece of shit ref had money on this game 100%... lol twitter doing their best to delete the videos.
Trainspotting is definitely Scottish along with irnbruHang on 7Eleven? And Trainsspotting is Scottish?
Cucurella.UEFA are doing everything they can for England to finally win a Euro.
De Vrij has a history with these moments. But the goal yesterday was 95% on Watkins IMO. Great finish and he chose the only outcome wich would result in a goal.We played badly the first half but holy shit we got fucked.
De Vrij played a very good tournament but these are the moments which are decisive and he wasn’t hungry enough imo and is to blame that the shot is possible. Other than that this Dutch team lacks quality and a coach with balls!!