

May 22, 2004
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10 years of FIF
there was a great FT article about it

One of Elon Musk’s most consistent features is his tendency to make promises he does not keep. In 2018, for example, he vowed to launch his own brand of confectionery — a plan that, despite some trademark applications, has yet to generate sweet returns. On Thursday, the Tesla boss made a grander claim: his self-driving taxi could be in production by 2026.

This latest endeavour is more credible, but not by much.Autonomous vehicles for hire, such as the one Musk demonstrated at a live event called “We, Robot”, are almost certainly the future. Driverless cabs already ferry passengers in San Francisco, courtesy of Google subsidiary Waymo. The Tesla “Cybercab” could cost as little as 30 cents a mile to run, compared with the 81 cents it cost to operate a car in the US in 2023.

Where the average car runs fewer than two hours a day, robotaxis could run 10 times that, he suggests.Because Musk loves to throw big numbers around, here is a back-of-the-envelope idea of what is at stake. Americans drive about 3tn miles a year. If 10 per cent of that travel shifts to robotaxis, with passengers paying the roughly $1 a mile it costs to ride a city bus, there could be $300bn of revenue. At a 50 per cent operating margin, valued on the 15 times multiple of operating profit that carmakers such as Ford command, the result is more than $2tn of value.Such figures are pure speculation, of course, but there are wilder estimates out there. Florida-based technology fund Ark Invest reckons Tesla’s value could hit $8tn, 90 per cent of that from robotaxis.

Musk himself has said the Cybercab could drive the company’s worth to $5tn. That does not include any theoretical contribution from a still-in-development humanoid robot, Optimus, which Musk calls potentially “the biggest product ever of any kind”.

For now, little of that is in the share price. Tesla’s market value was $760bn on Thursday. Granted, that is 30 per cent of the value of all listed carmakers, according to LSEG. But that premium valuation owes more to Musk’s past promises to significantly increase production of electric vehicles, including the introduction of a relatively affordable $25,000 model. The shares have risen 45 per cent since Tesla announced a “robotaxi day”, but are down 40 per cent since their peak in 2021.The scepticism is justified. Google, Amazon and General Motors are also vying for robotaxi supremacy.

There are multiple regulators to be won over before rides can be hailed. Besides, Musk has a habit of being cavalier with deadlines: in 2015, he predicted fully autonomous cars by 2018. Even Thursday’s big reveal was originally scheduled for August. Investors can believe in the Tesla chief’s entertaining vision but are sensible not to stake their fortunes on it.

also since I have a bit of time may do a write up on helios towers
Read it before still think it s slighly problematic that nobody points out Elon is chasing the pack in both FSD and Robotics...
And ofcourse that it took till today for any big outlet to state the obvious that the bots were remote controlled and not run by AI.
I just dont get why on earth the rules dont apply to elon and tesla
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May 22, 2004
Favorite Player
10 years of FIF
Bought some 217.5 tesla puts on Monday knowing that they will most likely present shit numbers today.... thik the 190s might be in play and the 200s for sure are.
Then again it s tesla and elon so he might just lie his ass of and i get wrecked in AH, so i guess pray for me boys.. although the options are up 56% atm gonna hold till tomorrow

Also for all the dip buyers MCD now is a lot more attractive imho than Nike was like 1 months ago...


May 22, 2004
Favorite Player
10 years of FIF
Bought some 217.5 tesla puts on Monday knowing that they will most likely present shit numbers today.... thik the 190s might be in play and the 200s for sure are.
Then again it s tesla and elon so he might just lie his ass of and i get wrecked in AH, so i guess pray for me boys.. although the options are up 56% atm gonna hold till tomorrow

Also for all the dip buyers MCD now is a lot more attractive imho than Nike was like 1 months ago...
Lol and here come the obvious lies and my put options are worthless


May 22, 2004
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10 years of FIF
I ll never understand how WS keeps on doubting the Zuck...Dude keeps on delivering and jet WS keeps on being skeptical...

He might be the most underrated CEO there is.
Side note i get how one can not like the dude but his execution as a CEO has been fucken on point


May 22, 2004
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10 years of FIF
Got some short term election play bets going since last week.. Mostly cause i thought those betting sites like polymarkets got it way wrong...
Closed em yesterday at a 120% and rolled em....
About 30% down on the rolled contracts though...
Straddles probably would be a safer and better strat, but i cant be bothered so hey re all one directional plays...


May 22, 2004
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10 years of FIF
KOK djt up 36% investors celebrating the US going full on banana republic...
Thank fuck i took profits on monday, contracts rolled are worthless obviously thoug... A straddle would have worked like a charm though


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 2, 2007
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Cryptozo d King
10 years of FIF
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KOK djt up 36% investors celebrating the US going full on banana republic...
Thank fuck i took profits on monday, contracts rolled are worthless obviously thoug... A straddle would have worked like a charm though

maybe he was robbed in 2020 haha

all I will say is my net worth went up 5x under Biden. The stock market is stronger than ever. Let hope Donny T keeps the market the way it is.


May 22, 2004
Favorite Player
10 years of FIF
maybe he was robbed in 2020 haha

all I will say is my net worth went up 5x under Biden. The stock market is stronger than ever. Let hope Donny T keeps the market the way it is.
I m just gonna say what i say every god damn fucken time people put way to much of the stock performance on who ever is president when in fact he has very little influence....
I mean the repeal of glass-steagal happened under Clinton and many look at that as a reason for why the GFC happened and was that bad... But by the time that realization was in Clinton was far from office and that repeal helped the Bush admin look pretty god damn good till shit hit the fan...
Of course other factors played a role but just to illustrate how long it can take for a presidents actions to play out on the markets...
And how any short term benefit may come with harsh consequences down the line....

Also people act like the president has control over the fed which news flash he does not have (at least on paper).

In more positive notes been going over HIMS after their Q3 massive beat and after going over it man seldom have i seen mgm that performed on that level.
Dudes been hitting their targets way early and raising guidance for some time now and they re still hitting home runs....

Valuation is a bit rich but when compared to the competition very fair especially considering growth and MGM execution.....


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 2, 2007
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Cryptozo d King
10 years of FIF
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I don't know with Trump/Republicans way more mergers can happen. Think Biden didnt like Spirit airlines merge with some other budget airline. Trump allowed CVS (#1 pharmacy) to buy Aetna (#2/3 Insurance company). Obama didn't allow Aetna to Aquire Humana(which at that point was like the 7th biggest insurance company). They also said not to Sprint Buy T-mobile. Under Trump T-mobile bought sprint haha

more monopolies can happen under republicans tho Not to be political. Not looking for an infraction just a conversation. the Us keeps out ton of competition

when I was in china I saw 20 cell phone companies that sold cheap nice looking phones(I don't think I saw any Samsung, pretty much buy a Chinese one for 1/3rd the price of an iPhone or be a baller and get an iPhone type thing). I don't understand the hard on for apple. They are a company that brags about making 40%+ on everything they sell. They can do it because it's a monopoly. You have 2 options and they have the cool factor. I will admit I am a fan boy and buy their stuff but mostly because the galaxy cost the same. If a 3rd option came in and was $400-500 bucks and pretty much the same thing I'd def go that route. Or would force apple to release a iPhone SE every year instead of every 2-3 years like it currently does. It's a 2 year old iPhone with less cameras and a smaller crappier screen.

Car companies I saw so many car companies I never heard of in china and they were all awesome and pretty cheap. The whole 100-200% tariffs thing is idiotic. If your industry can't compete then sucks to be them. Unless it's something we need to survive. I dont know anyone who owns an American car that isnt a Camaro, Cadillac or coverette which are not exactly regular people cars. "American cars" are now Japanese. These companies are a hole they decided hey we want to make more profit per car so we will make less of them and wont build them till they are ordered. Have you tried to buy a Honda or Toyota recently? I dont get why we are defending these types of companies.

So why should we car if the Chinese kill the Japanese car makers? Telsa are awful cars with garbage build quality. I had a model 3 and it has like 3 different types of materials and made super cheaply.

To me the industry's that matter are farming and food. During covid we had 0 toilet paper(whatever I was working from home would just shower after I pooped) or food. You'd go to the grocery store and everything was empty. We have 3 chicken farms in the US. 2 got sick so no one had eggs. That is fking wild especially with how much is spent of subsidies for the farming industry.


May 22, 2004
Favorite Player
10 years of FIF
I don't know with Trump/Republicans way more mergers can happen. Think Biden didnt like Spirit airlines merge with some other budget airline. Trump allowed CVS (#1 pharmacy) to buy Aetna (#2/3 Insurance company). Obama didn't allow Aetna to Aquire Humana(which at that point was like the 7th biggest insurance company). They also said not to Sprint Buy T-mobile. Under Trump T-mobile bought sprint haha

more monopolies can happen under republicans tho Not to be political. Not looking for an infraction just a conversation. the Us keeps out ton of competition

when I was in china I saw 20 cell phone companies that sold cheap nice looking phones(I don't think I saw any Samsung, pretty much buy a Chinese one for 1/3rd the price of an iPhone or be a baller and get an iPhone type thing). I don't understand the hard on for apple. They are a company that brags about making 40%+ on everything they sell. They can do it because it's a monopoly. You have 2 options and they have the cool factor. I will admit I am a fan boy and buy their stuff but mostly because the galaxy cost the same. If a 3rd option came in and was $400-500 bucks and pretty much the same thing I'd def go that route. Or would force apple to release a iPhone SE every year instead of every 2-3 years like it currently does. It's a 2 year old iPhone with less cameras and a smaller crappier screen.

Car companies I saw so many car companies I never heard of in china and they were all awesome and pretty cheap. The whole 100-200% tariffs thing is idiotic. If your industry can't compete then sucks to be them. Unless it's something we need to survive. I dont know anyone who owns an American car that isnt a Camaro, Cadillac or coverette which are not exactly regular people cars. "American cars" are now Japanese. These companies are a hole they decided hey we want to make more profit per car so we will make less of them and wont build them till they are ordered. Have you tried to buy a Honda or Toyota recently? I dont get why we are defending these types of companies.

So why should we car if the Chinese kill the Japanese car makers? Telsa are awful cars with garbage build quality. I had a model 3 and it has like 3 different types of materials and made super cheaply.

To me the industry's that matter are farming and food. During covid we had 0 toilet paper(whatever I was working from home would just shower after I pooped) or food. You'd go to the grocery store and everything was empty. We have 3 chicken farms in the US. 2 got sick so no one had eggs. That is fking wild especially with how much is spent of subsidies for the farming industry.
But again not to go into politics this is just shit that happens in the market and wether it happens now under trump or later under a dem prez really does not matter...
Man i have slight problems with holding up the chinese car sector as this kind of holy grail for which every other country in the world should bow tooo...
A the chinese don let any foreign cars in without haevy tarrifs and the ones that produce in china usually cant get the profits out of china...
Plus lets not act like the CCP has not subsidized and incentivised all those car makers..
Not judging but i chuckle every time any chinese politicians laments tarrifs as if they would not run a highly protected economy and as if they would not ban anything they remotely think can harm em. Not saying whos wrong or right but its just funny to me.
Mergers nd monopolies are a huge fucking problem everywhere as their are natural monopolies that just make sense but if they are not regulated properly they ll fuck over customers and workers.

Again my point is a politician cant change wether or not you ll have TP in the next crisis.... Unless they control the whole fucken market and that will never happen in the US as you guys look at any kind of State intervention into the market as full on socialism that will destroy the fabric of america.

Again take tesla as an example if regulators did their fucken job they would not have such a terrible build quality neither would their CEO commit security fraud on a semmi annual basis with the BoD doing nothing but holding their dicks and selling shares.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 2, 2007
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Cryptozo d King
10 years of FIF
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the CEO of United Healthcare the biggest insurance company in the US was just assassinated outside his hotel in NYC... wild. Their stock is up 3% tho


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 2, 2007
Favorite Player
Cryptozo d King
10 years of FIF
Most Diverse Poster
the CEO of United Healthcare the biggest insurance company in the US was just assassinated outside his hotel in NYC... wild. Their stock is up 3% tho

you guys following the murder its like people are trying to help the murder and half the comment are pro killing this guy.

one commenter said: “Thoughts and deductibles to the family. Unfortunately my condolences are out-of-network.”

this is how bad the insurance is in the US. United Denys 2x more claims than the industry average. Have friends who work for other companies and people are taking down their pictures from company website tho not like that will help with social media.

its wild what things are becoming. Also after they killed him their stock actually went up but is now down over 10% $67 from a week ago. Wild !!


I'm better than Icardi
La Grande Inter
Jul 13, 2011
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10 years of FIF
you guys following the murder its like people are trying to help the murder and half the comment are pro killing this guy.

one commenter said: “Thoughts and deductibles to the family. Unfortunately my condolences are out-of-network.”

this is how bad the insurance is in the US. United Denys 2x more claims than the industry average. Have friends who work for other companies and people are taking down their pictures from company website tho not like that will help with social media.

its wild what things are becoming. Also after they killed him their stock actually went up but is now down over 10% $67 from a week ago. Wild !!
imagine your death being bullish for the company? damn

Also PagSeguro and StoneCo trading at 5 and 7 times forward PE respectively :lol:


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 2, 2007
Favorite Player
Cryptozo d King
10 years of FIF
Most Diverse Poster
imagine your death being bullish for the company? damn

Also PagSeguro and StoneCo trading at 5 and 7 times forward PE respectively :lol:

I sat my team down and also messaged all the interns.

Like please please please do not post about the shooting in a positive light or as a joke or as a meme. It will Fk your career. Especially with AI you know companies will search for stupid stuff you posted. Where I live its the insurance capital of the country. Will be super hard to get a job if your celebrating insurance CEOs getting wacked.

for those who go hey thats not going to happen. I had trouble getting internships because on Facebook I had a Halloween picture that it looked like I was doing crack. I dressed up as the crackhead from the Chappelle show. One of the guys who interviewed me and liked me was like dude take down all the pictures you have on Facebook of you shit faced or looks like you are doing something illegal or stupid.

Did it got job. Funny enough at that company ton of those dudes loved coke :)


May 22, 2004
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10 years of FIF
Onthe ceo shooting the most depraved take I heard from a talking head was not the celebration of he shooting but one expert whos takeaway from the whole situation was welp I guess we gotta increase the security detail for our top managers...
Not maybe we have to change something in the industry....

Also from my experience very few Finance bros and that includes insurance that dont fucking love coke


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 2, 2007
Favorite Player
Cryptozo d King
10 years of FIF
Most Diverse Poster
CVS stock down to 44 from 80 this year.... bad management and Republicans/Democrats wanting to break up the Aetna/CVS monopoly. Think Trump said he wants to kill PBMs in general. Would be interesting.

Can be interesting. I mean I really doubt we will get single payer with republicans. Trump also said he wants to privatize the US post office haha. Tho I think everyone would be cool if the USPS becomes private and insurance is public. Great trade off.

Medicare is 2% Admin rate. Private insurance is 18%. Thats kind of wild. My parents are on medicare and like pay $0 for anything. I pay 8k per year for my family. I went to the doctor because my elbow hurts and she just told me to take some Advil and come back in 3 months if it still hurts. then I can do Physical Therapy that wont be covered in my insurance. Still charged me $200 for the visit...


I'm better than Icardi
La Grande Inter
Jul 13, 2011
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Old username
10 years of FIF
Anyone else notice just how terrible amazon is? Terrible products / sketchy stuff on the amazon store, 90% sponsored with terrible rip off brands all over. Feel like I am on temu not Amazon.

It's giving me ideas, surely people will not put up with this bs for longer


Mar 29, 2012
Favorite Player
Anyone else notice just how terrible amazon is? Terrible products / sketchy stuff on the amazon store, 90% sponsored with terrible rip off brands all over. Feel like I am on temu not Amazon.

It's giving me ideas, surely people will not put up with this bs for longer
sorry to break it to you. but their main income is aws not being temu-lite


May 22, 2004
Favorite Player
10 years of FIF
Anyone else notice just how terrible amazon is? Terrible products / sketchy stuff on the amazon store, 90% sponsored with terrible rip off brands all over. Feel like I am on temu not Amazon.

It's giving me ideas, surely people will not put up with this bs for longer
Man it seems like these days people dont give a fuck if quality of a once good service detoriates (atleast if it s companies providing the service)...
Also what the alternative in the US go to the store? or buy shit from different websites that would take effort...
Side note i dont think I ever started a year trading as bad as i m doing this year nothing seems to go my way untill i accept defeat move out of the position and then it starts to rally..... Should have gone on that usual Jan vacation....