The FIFA Club Protection Program - which guarantees compensation to the Nerazzurri as if it were a sort of insurance policy, officially in force since 2012. We announce immediately that in the case in question it will not be an exorbitant amount and that it is only triggered when the injury suffered by the player exceeds at least four weeks for recovery. In the case of Buchanan, the stoppage will be four months, so Inter will be entitled to compensation.
FIFA reimburses Inter for Buchanan: the amount received
The maximum insurance ceiling for this type of policy is 7.5 million euros, but the amount the Italian champions will earn will not even come close to this figure. As per the statute, the compensation is for a maximum of 365 days and is calculated on the basis of the fixed salary earned by the player - therefore any bonuses or other types of external agreements are excluded.
The amount collected by Inter is less than one million euros (LaPresse).
To calculate how much will actually enter the Nerazzurri coffers, just check Buchanan's net salary (1.5 million euros per year) and get the monthly amount, which corresponds to 125 thousand euros per month. If the winger is quick and returns at the stroke of the fourth month, then Oaktree will be able to benefit from €500k. If the months, however, were to be five, then it will be €625k.