I can agree with that sentiment, but who is giving them money? And if the airline, tourism and hospitality industry tank, what good is 1200 dollars if those in the industry have nothing to go back to?
I mean it’s a sticky situation in 2008 we let people sink because they made bad moves. And to not bail out stupid people for maki f stupid decisions
Yet the companies selling someone who made 40k a year a 500k mortgage for 30 years and a 50k car in 5 years. They are not at fault?
So we bailed the companies. What did that do? Maybe the biggest income inequality transfer ever.
Now with Covid most of the small businesses are dead they aren’t coming back. What do you do?
Bail out companies again? Huge corporations were shamed into returning money meant for small buinsesses. BecauE people found out in social Media
Like look I don’t like republicans because they are racist and say something only when it helps them like the Supreme Court nomineee when Obama was President or countless other shit they say
Democrats are spineless. They have a large amount of people who vote for them because they give them free shit. Or go well you have it harder because you are not white .
Both need to be honest with people. You are not worth X even tho Movies make it seem like Americans are born better. Republicans go it’s the brown people and the gays who are fking you over. Democrats go it’s the old white guys who have been in power 5,000 years who are fking you over.
While at the end of the day it’s Walmart and McDonald’s paying employees $10/hr and only giving them part time jobs so they don’t need to pay benefits. Then the American people need to pay them food stamps, rent and other shit.
Democrats not doing anything about that makes them just as guilty as republicans they are just not as openly douchey