Sure, that's fine, but thats different to what we were discussing.
You wanted a "normal owner", not "a sugar daddy", but then you want someone better than Zhang. Reality is, Zhang is a sugar daddy - he throws a lot of cash every year into the club, which means we dont need to sell players. I'd say a normal owner is someone who isnt investing heavily in the club every season - so if that happened at Inter, we'd be selling even more ever summer for plusvalenza to cover losses, rather than d2e
I think most people on this forum think that Inter is a club almost in the black, and a sugar daddy will splash the cash that makes us have happy fun times.
In reality, we're a club heavily in the red, a sugar daddy keeps us from going bankrupt, and we get a little bit of happy fun times
What everyone is really asking for, which they dont realise, is that they want a *massive* sugar daddy. I'd love to know what capital injections are per year for big clubs, but I bet we're probably in the top 5 or 10 across football in terms of average capital injections in the last 5 years. Bear in mind all of our COVID losses were through capital injections, etc. Over 4 year basis you're probably looking at an average of 100m a season of capital injections - off hand Juve took a 200m capital injection recently, and Man Utd took a 200m capital injection (one off) as part of their recent minority sale
How much did Zhang spend for Inter? Figures of Chinese Management
But how much did the Zhang family spend in its nearly eight years of management? From an economic point of view, Suning’s investments have reached almost
900 million euros in recent years
. After the acquisition of the company’s shares for
over 92 million by Erick Thohir and the initial
142 million capital increase, Suning then continued the financing of the Nerazzurri club through several member loans: in detail,
217 million in 2016/17 and another
119 million in 2017/18 for a total of
336 million euros.
Payments in the coffers of the club that have been resumed in recent seasons, thanks to the loan guaranteed by the Californian fund Oaktree to the Zhang: in detail, of the 275 million euros of loan (then become 385 million to be repaid, including interest), 126 million were paid to Inter 126 million between the 75 million in May-June 2021 and a further 51 million in the 2022/23 season.
To these investments at the capital level, there are additional investments for the income statement of the Nerazzurri club. Altogether, so far the revenues guaranteed by sponsorships with Suning exceeded
196 million: 56 million in 2016/17, 39 million in 2017/18, 35 in 2018/19, 31.6 million in 2019/20, 21.3 million in 2020/21, 12.1 million in 2021/22 and finally just under 600 thousand euros in 2022/23.
In total, between payments, loans and revenues, Suning has paid almost
900 million euros into the coffers of Inter.
Presidente dal 2018 (mentre il padre Zhang Jindong ha acquistato il club nel 2016), Zhang dovrà dire addio al club nerazzurro, pronto a passare nelle mani di Oaktree.