i know fab lol. i'll probably feel differently again in a few months
ust think about inters case.
in 1969 there was something to support.
todays what has inter become?
no italian players!
baisically no loyal players ! (long gone are the days wehre players didnt switch clubs for big money i.e crespo played for inter, milan and now inter..)
all sponsership (nike, pirelli, sky)
one rich guy who just buys everything, and literally buying scudettos...how can we be so excited about winning a trophy when it was fuking payed for..
its unfortunate, but i guess this is modern football for you. and i think my previous post was a bit stupid, its rediculous to suggest ultras just should not stop attending ext.. its just frustrating i guess.
the truth is sad i guess, but we have to live with it.