It amuses me some of the comentars i have read. Terorist atacks per capital,farca,not have been expirinced in WC, lol , WTF are you talking about. Please I understand you are mad couse your country didn't get to host the event, but people we are talking for somth that will hapend 12 years from now. What terorist thred are you talking about???!!! You know what will hapend in future , woow , if you do please tell me will Inter won CL this year. YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT TERORIST ATACKS 12 YEARS FROM NOW IN THE FUTURE!!!!!
That exuse me its a lot of crap, and every one that didn't read the poster nows what country he is from, and its just amuses me, thats the Arogance of England or America and the main reason they didn't get to WC. They should look to the other countries bids first and then look at their stadiums and says that is fixed.
And who else is worth og getting WC if not Russia. They have best bid they are the most biggest country a hell its a hole continent for crist. Its all know fact that football federation wants to benefit more money from WC, not just from that WC but also in the future , they want to expand the market, and what best place that the largest country in the world. Every one whants to be host couse of the economic boost the country will get, not to mention the nation unity. But football federation wants new fans , its a strategy like that of every big clubs that in the summer goes to America and China, to expand the fans.Do not forget that Russia and Qatar had the best bids of stadiums and they had best offer to the fans and federation.
I think that that its a fair that Rusia get the WC , they never host it before,England did back in 54 i think when they were World Champions, and Quatar well for them the other bids just sucked, America with that baseball stadiums just makes me lol. I would like Australia to make it to next world cup but like Lionhard says its stupid to fight and wast time for somth that will be in future 20 from now, and I think will be one of the best WC the world had known ,mark my word ,just waith and see.