Francesco Acerbi


Dec 28, 2012
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10 years of FIF
So, for all those who are saying that wishing bodily harm to another person was worse than any racist remark could ever be, how are we dealing with Acerbi now, consindering that he told Juan that he wanted to "beat him black and blue?"
Nothing. Juric got a two-match suspension for threatening to literally slit Italiano’s throat - you don’t see anyone being outraged, the case ending up at the Federal Prosecutor’s Office, Juric being suspended from his job (like Acerbi was sent home from the national team), a great deal of football followers wanting him to be fired or Fiorentina planning to wear a mask with a prostethic knife sticking out of their heads next match to show solidarity.

Actual violence, not threats, on the pitch (think Totti kicking Balotelli) is very seldom punished with more than a day’s suspension.

Unanimous reports were that Acerbi faced at least 10 matches in the shadow - effectively leading to his firing, before we had his account (which I have no idea is true or not, just like most everyone didn’t know Juan Jesus’ was true).

If you want to make the argument that threats of violence or actual violence off the field should be banished more effectively, go right ahead, but somehow I don’t think that’s where you’re going.

@Gal as an old forum member (much older than myself actually) you should have known it's against forum guidelines to use two different accounts from same IP. The only reason i am giving you a chance for redemption is because you're an old member, an Inter fan and a very active user with your "other" account. Stick to one if you don't want to get yourself exposed, and of course, banned. Last warning.
Alright, who is he then? I think I’m/we’re owed an explanation as to where statements such as ‘racism against white people is trivial’ and ‘threats upon someone’s life is less important than referring to someone by the colour of their skin’ are coming from when we’re engaging with them, lest you want to end up with another Alan/Candreva Crosses-situation (which got me banned, specifically).
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Dec 23, 2014
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In what world is killing natural part of life exactly, that’s a choice we made and make because opportunity arose, you’re not a predator by nature your are mainly by choice and chance as mankind like many other primates are opportunists, reality is you have always the choice to choose a different path sure you can be influenced heavily into a certain direction of multifaceted reason but you are not bound by it, sure sometimes it can be hard breaking away but it is never impossible. All the things you write are heavily influenced by choices you can take, but you are not bound by nature to do so or keep on repeating it. It’s also not dictated by nature to be abusive, while we as a specie might have certain unfortunate tendencies we are also born with a brain that make us capable of making other choices this in stark contrast to most other life forms.
But, the killing is just an accelerated death. You said alone, that the death can come under different forms, like age or disease. Like diseases brought to a New World and killed a lot of the domestic population. You think that you have a choice, because currently you have one. But, in other circumstances, your choice could be led to kill or die. For example, there were records for people eating other people, not because they enjoyed it, but because the circumstances forced them to do it in order to survive. The nature do not dictated to be abusive, but do not dictate to be polite and gentile either. The nature forces the person to adapt and survive... or die. Now, it's much easier for many people to do this, but if some cataclysm comes upon us, and that society, order, electricity, food and water supplies are broken, you will see how most of the people will embrace the good old "adapt, survive or die". Also, your brain does not take the choices by itself. Your brain is affected by the feelings, your own personality (sympathy and callousness vary for every single person and affect their choices), the society where you live, the teaching of your siblings etc. That is the reason, why in the Middle Ages many people thought with their brains, that is quite ok to burn person alive if this person is heretic, or it is suspected in witchcraft.
I don't know from where derives this teaching, that wishing death to someone is ok, because everyone will die one day, but for me is dangerous, because this easily could justify some other unpleasant acts. Like if nazis say, we didn't do genocide to anybody. We just helped them to die, because they were in very bad shape, and they would have died anyway. This thinking is killing the empathy in the people imo, which is killing the humanity in the humans, and they can start acting as beasts. At least this is my view on the topic.
Who ever said Racism is the worst thing in the world? But it can lead to quite the horrible things, you might want to look up the colonial times, the 1930’s Europe, segregation and apartheid etc. Heck you can even find traces of racism in ancient greek. It never lead to anything good. People who desperately try to diminish how bad it is are simply ignoring the bloodstained past, ignoring that will eventually lead to us repeating the deeds of the past, racism only leads one place and that is war and ethnic cleansing.

Wishing someone to die now, is still not stigmatising, it’s mainly just unpleasant, rude and disrespectful it usually doesn’t lead to a whole group being killed the way racism dos.
Racism is just another ideology used to brainwash people and force them to do things, which otherwise they won't. I don't say that we shall tolerate it, but I don't want to make a witch hunt here, chasing and judging people because they "maybe were said the word negro". And you can see that exactly this is happening right now, with many people already found Acerbi guilty, and now just waiting for the sentence. ANd you will see, how if Inter back him up, those same tolerant people will label the club as racist, even thou Acerbi could be innocent.
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La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
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Devi morire... Acerbi devi morire... devi moriiiree

(Roma fans against Acerbi)

All good, no ban. No calls for a ban either. Actually they called Acerbi to apologize for reacting :lol:


Jul 18, 2022
@Gal as an old forum member (much older than myself actually) you should have known it's against forum guidelines to use two different accounts from same IP. The only reason i am giving you a chance for redemption is because you're an old member, an Inter fan and a very active user with your "other" account. Stick to one if you don't want to get yourself exposed, and of course, banned. Last warning.

I only have this account?

I don’t have two accounts, so I have absolutely no idea what you’re on about?

Il Drago

Dec 21, 2015
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I only have this account?

I don’t have two accounts, so I have absolutely no idea what you’re on about?

I was hoping you would come clean after getting caught in the act. As you wish.


May 27, 2022
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Best Forum Newcomer
Wow. Too many fucking posts. I support Acerbi. Federal fucking prosecutor for this?)


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Apr 22, 2005
10 years of FIF
Alright, who is he then? I think I’m/we’re owed an explanation as to where statements such as ‘racism against white people is trivial’ and ‘threats upon someone’s life is less important than referring to someone by the colour of their skin’ are coming from when we’re engaging with them, lest you want to end up with another Alan/Candreva Crosses-situation (which got me banned, specifically).


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Feb 14, 2007
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Il Capitano
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Ti faccio nero

I'll kick your ass

Well played, Acerbi. You will be saved with this. Next time it won't be so pretty. Inter will kick you out 100%


Dec 5, 2009
Favorite Player
It's great that efforts are being made to address racism, but it's crucial for those leading the charge to maintain a critical stance towards their own actions as well. The current trend of demonizing individuals like Acerbi without a thorough investigation is concerning to me, arguably more so than the racism itself. It sets a dangerous precedent where innocent individuals can be unfairly targeted and "cancelled" without due process. We must consider the possibility that Acerbi may not have made racist remarks, and that there could have been a misunderstanding between him and Juan Jesus.

bubba zanetti

Sep 8, 2020
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Chino Recoba
Death is part of life, we are born and will eventually die either of age or disease, so cursing someone with something unavoidable just isn’t a particularly strong thing to say, especially when it’s not a direct threat on you or your families life as such, certainly not in this part of the world. In some countries such as in some African cultures and some cultures derived from it, might be different because of the belief in witchcraft, voodoo etc.
Godspeed and travel safe Gal.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Apr 22, 2005
10 years of FIF
"I will beat you black". That's a cool phrase. I might use it for some people who need a good beat up here.

Fortunately most of them are in my ignore list, so I may not get the chance to use it.


May 27, 2022
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Best Forum Newcomer
It's not Gal. His kid uses the same IP after the school:)


Jul 3, 2018
Favorite Player
Come on guys Juan Jesus has been in Italy for 10+ years. I’m sure he speaks the language well enough to be be able to decipher Acerbi’s words and their context. Don’t insult his intelligence. I imagine Juan Jesus has also been the target of abuse, both racial and other, plenty over his career. He can probably differentiate with rather good accuracy when something is said in bad faith.

I’m not out to crucify Acerbi. I’ve been falsely accused of wrong doing before and it absolutely sucks. My instinct is to take all accusations as accusations until corroborated, but my gut instinct here is that Acerbi is at best withholding information..

There is so much rampant whataboutism in this thread. And it inevitably does anytime an incident of racism occurs within the sphere of the club. You don’t need to constantly cite examples of how other things weren’t dealt with as they should have been to try and make this out to not be a big deal. If he is found to have been racially demeaning to Juan Jesus, that is wrong and he should be punished. It’s not the worst atrocity ever carried out by man, but also it’s disrespectful to your opponent on a human level (I can already feel the “what about this” counter examples of on the field disrespect coming). No race has a monopoly on threatening to kill someone or telling them you’d rather have their sister; these are universal insults— wrong, but universal. You should always enter the pitch as equals on the human level and I don’t see how a supporter of a club like internazionale wouldn’t think otherwise. Racism has no place in modern football. Regardless of what group or ethnicity is the target.

A bunch of random Mediterraneans and Slavs don’t get to decide what is considered racial abuse by a black man from Brazil or the lega serie A, who is responsible for maintaining a product. Yes we know you had that friend you called blacky and he was totally cool with it! (He wasn’t by the way.) The league will get the details and we shall see. I’m not above forgiving Acerbi if he is guilty but it’s circumstancial.

How about we also show a little respect to our former player as well, yeah? He was never the player for us that Acerbi is, but he still fought for the shirt and showed inter respect even after he left.