Mercato Team (Ausilio, Marotta, & Co.) and Strategies


Mar 7, 2004
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Toro, Barella
10 years of FIF
To extend someone’s contract you need the willingness of that someone too. I can imagine this someone is not so keen to do so atm. Especially after he was almost ‘forced’ to leave for an enormous contract at PSG.
Yes, that "sale push" is integrally connected to the possible non-renewal. Zhang wanted a big sale and management tried to do it. They failed at that (because of their position obviously) and here we are.

What we should have done is have the sale "ready" heading to summer and needed renewals done before the summer. Management have surely fucked up at some point but I can't blame them fully given the conditions/limitations they have (by Zhangs) in their work trying to keep this house of cards from totally collapsing.

Skriniar renewal was the key thing which should have been done before the summer already. We would have been able to done it cheaper most probably than what we need to pay now (if we even succeed to get his signature anymore).

edit. And I want to emphasize one thing. While I said we should have had the sale ready for the summer, it means that if there was no sale ready, we should have kept the position that we won't sell anyone or sell him early enough if a proper sale opportunity occurs. Because now what we did was we went through the whole summer with the big sale in our mind and that opportunity never arrived (in our terms). But we don't have the needed renewal signed. It should have been either or, not this halfway solution which might end up costing us tens of millions, possibly even the full price of Skriniar and for what? For one season of his services (at lower performance level).
Last edited:

Il Drago

Dec 21, 2015
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Agreed. The situation is very problematic and it needs to be averted in the future. It could be a management choice to postpone talks for last moment or it could be a directive from ownership not to pay raise to players till it's absolutely necessary. It doesn't really matter who's more to blame. The point is strategy needs to change. We can't afford following Milan's policy of using the player till the last day of his contract and then lose him on a free. We count on raising money from sales every summer. Losing players on a free is a disaster for Inter, even if it can have a positive impact on the pitch.

Talks for contract extensions need to start two years before the end of the contract. If there are still no grounds for an extension then you put the player on the market one year before the end of his contract and you sell him, even at a cut price. Starting the season with top players having expiring contracts is very problematic in our situation.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
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in before Skriniar is greedy for wanting a new deal


Mar 7, 2004
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Toro, Barella
10 years of FIF
If Skriniar is not happy with our offer, that's 100% on us. Like I said, we could have signed the renewal last spring or even year ago and we could have signed him for 5m€ net (my estimation). We let PSG to get interested in him, Skriniar was happy to stay at Inter for life. Now I'm not sure anymore.


May 19, 2013
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It is honestly hilarious. If you tell me that at the start of the summer we're selling Skriniar/Bastoni BUT we're using that money to get Dybala, Bremer, and Lukaku back, then I'm happy (ish).

If you tell me we're not getting Dybala or Bremer but Skriniar/Bastoni is staying and signing a long term deal, then I'm happy.

If you fail to achieve either of the above, you're either a moron or being absolutely hamstrung by a failing, criminally mismanaged ownership. I assume it's a combination of both.

Il Drago

Dec 21, 2015
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Wesley Sneijder
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Speaking of Bastoni, his contract expires in 2024. When are they going to start talks with him? Next autumn after trying to force him out in the next summer mercato? This will (also) go well.


Mar 7, 2004
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Toro, Barella
10 years of FIF
Speaking of Bastoni, his contract expires in 2024. When are they going to start talks with him? Next autumn after trying to force him out in the next summer mercato? This will (also) go well.
Yeah, extension talks should start during the World Cup break, preferably informing his agent right now that we will contact you regarding the extension in the World Cup break.


Jul 17, 2010
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Speaking of Bastoni, his contract expires in 2024. When are they going to start talks with him? Next autumn after trying to force him out in the next summer mercato? This will (also) go well.
Not when Inzaghi wants him sold next summer.


Oct 23, 2021
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i am not worry, as long as we could always sign old, fringe free agency like David Luiz, Smalling, Armando Izzo, Acerbi, Cuadrado, Eric Bailly available to replace Skriniar and De Vrij this January...


May 14, 2011
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fear not, Juve has no plans to renew, cuadrado, di maria, alex sandro or rabiot, we will get them all on free and boss the midtable

bubba zanetti

Sep 8, 2020
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Chino Recoba
Lol I told you after that tragedy of mercato that we are fucked this season. Everyone thought that Lukaku will be enough to fight for scudetto. Yea right.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
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What should have been done in the summer:

- Sell Dumfries (there was interest at around 35m)
- Sell De Vrij (at any cost since we had alienated relations with him and he was mentally done on the pitch, something like 12m could have been achieved)
- Sell Pinamonti (done - ish)
- Sell Sensi (I was in favor of keeping him but the coach and management don't trust him. Loan is not good enough but at least get the option if Monza doesn't get relegated. Capital gains was an issue so it'll be easier next season)
- Do not pay Sanchez to leave. Let his contract expire.
- Sign Dybala. No brainer.
- Sign Bremer. No brainer.
- Do not go for Lukaku. Waste of money. The operation costs us 30m. Money that could have been spent on something that's not a 1 year loan deal. Advise to management: Do not reheat your old food, it never tastes the same.
- Do not sign Mkhtaryan. No complaints about the guy's work ethic but there's no point.
- Sell Gagliardini. (Some interest from Fiorentina, Lazio, Monza and a few others was there, but can't tell if we could have gotten a decent fee around the capital gains threshold)
- Not sign Bellanova. He was not ready. Or if we did sign him, send him on loan to a team like Fiorentina or Udinese who can groom him and he'd get familiar with a higher level than Cagliari.
- Not lose Perisic on a free!

What was not possible:
- Sell Correa
- Sell Dzeko
We had a few offers but both players rejected to leave.
It was also not possible to sell Brozovic as he had just signed the new deal.

Not sure where Gosens would stand in this scenario, but I guess we could have loaned him out to Bundesliga or sold him to a PL club if that was our intention. I'm pretty sure Tottenham would have been interested for example, as they'd not have Perisic in this scenario.

Instead we tried to sell Bastoni. He seems lost now.
We tried to sell Skriniar. He seems pissed now. Contract is still expiring.
We considered selling Barella. Didn't get to the point of receiving offers iirc but Real Madrid and Liverpool were heavily interested in case we were. And we had named the price.

Now obviously this isn't easy as you get on a video game, but we allegedly have the best sporting director in Italy and one of the best in Europe, but the job he's done ever since the pandemic hit has been close to atrocious and the excuse of having shitty owners should be fading. He opted for the easy way out, which the players
themselves didn't approve of and we ended up with the worst possible scenario. All this while spending record fees in the previous season (2019-20 which includes the winter market where Eriksen arrived).

If we did this, we'd have the funds Suning asked for, we'd have a team that has less weaknesses and we'd just need to fill up 2 roster spots with limited funds. Under Sabatini we managed to get players on both these spots on a loan + option deal. Sure our reputation is lower now since we rarely take those on, but we could have found a right wing back on such a deal as well as a Sensi/Gagliardini replacement. Napoli managed to find a gem in Anguissa from Fulham this way, it's not as if we don't know a bunch of players to pick from, we just don't go for it.

So the management:
- Missed out on our main targets, spectacularly I might add.
- Failed to secure money from sales.
- Didn't reinforce the team in any way and did not replace in any way two significant losses in Perisic and Sanchez.


May 14, 2011
Favorite Player
winter transfer needs to come with new owner, new coach and unlimited balance to reshape our team

bubba zanetti

Sep 8, 2020
Favorite Player
Chino Recoba
What should have been done in the summer:

- Sell Dumfries (there was interest at around 35m)
- Sell De Vrij (at any cost since we had alienated relations with him and he was mentally done on the pitch, something like 12m could have been achieved)
- Sell Pinamonti (done - ish)
- Sell Sensi (I was in favor of keeping him but the coach and management don't trust him. Loan is not good enough but at least get the option if Monza doesn't get relegated. Capital gains was an issue so it'll be easier next season)
- Do not pay Sanchez to leave. Let his contract expire.
- Sign Dybala. No brainer.
- Sign Bremer. No brainer.
- Do not go for Lukaku. Waste of money. The operation costs us 30m. Money that could have been spent on something that's not a 1 year loan deal. Advise to management: Do not reheat your old food, it never tastes the same.
- Do not sign Mkhtaryan. No complaints about the guy's work ethic but there's no point.
- Sell Gagliardini. (Some interest from Fiorentina, Lazio, Monza and a few others was there, but can't tell if we could have gotten a decent fee around the capital gains threshold)
- Not sign Bellanova. He was not ready. Or if we did sign him, send him on loan to a team like Fiorentina or Udinese who can groom him and he'd get familiar with a higher level than Cagliari.
- Not lose Perisic on a free!

What was not possible:
- Sell Correa
- Sell Dzeko
We had a few offers but both players rejected to leave.
It was also not possible to sell Brozovic as he had just signed the new deal.

Not sure where Gosens would stand in this scenario, but I guess we could have loaned him out to Bundesliga or sold him to a PL club if that was our intention. I'm pretty sure Tottenham would have been interested for example, as they'd not have Perisic in this scenario.

Instead we tried to sell Bastoni. He seems lost now.
We tried to sell Skriniar. He seems pissed now. Contract is still expiring.
We considered selling Barella. Didn't get to the point of receiving offers iirc but Real Madrid and Liverpool were heavily interested in case we were. And we had named the price.

Now obviously this isn't easy as you get on a video game, but we allegedly have the best sporting director in Italy and one of the best in Europe, but the job he's done ever since the pandemic hit has been close to atrocious and the excuse of having shitty owners should be fading. He opted for the easy way out, which the players
themselves didn't approve of and we ended up with the worst possible scenario. All this while spending record fees in the previous season (2019-20 which includes the winter market where Eriksen arrived).

If we did this, we'd have the funds Suning asked for, we'd have a team that has less weaknesses and we'd just need to fill up 2 roster spots with limited funds. Under Sabatini we managed to get players on both these spots on a loan + option deal. Sure our reputation is lower now since we rarely take those on, but we could have found a right wing back on such a deal as well as a Sensi/Gagliardini replacement. Napoli managed to find a gem in Anguissa from Fulham this way, it's not as if we don't know a bunch of players to pick from, we just don't go for it.

So the management:
- Missed out on our main targets, spectacularly I might add.
- Failed to secure money from sales.
- Didn't reinforce the team in any way and did not replace in any way two significant losses in Perisic and Sanchez.
You forgot Akanji, guy is already starter in City. So instead of Bremer, Dybala, Akanji, Perisic we have Acerbi, Mikhi, Lukaku. Terrible mercato.

pazza moratti

Aug 7, 2011
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10 years of FIF
What should have been done in the summer:

- Sell Dumfries (there was interest at around 35m)
- Sell De Vrij (at any cost since we had alienated relations with him and he was mentally done on the pitch, something like 12m could have been achieved)
- Sell Pinamonti (done - ish)
- Sell Sensi (I was in favor of keeping him but the coach and management don't trust him. Loan is not good enough but at least get the option if Monza doesn't get relegated. Capital gains was an issue so it'll be easier next season)
- Do not pay Sanchez to leave. Let his contract expire.
- Sign Dybala. No brainer.
- Sign Bremer. No brainer.
- Do not go for Lukaku. Waste of money. The operation costs us 30m. Money that could have been spent on something that's not a 1 year loan deal. Advise to management: Do not reheat your old food, it never tastes the same.
- Do not sign Mkhtaryan. No complaints about the guy's work ethic but there's no point.
- Sell Gagliardini. (Some interest from Fiorentina, Lazio, Monza and a few others was there, but can't tell if we could have gotten a decent fee around the capital gains threshold)
- Not sign Bellanova. He was not ready. Or if we did sign him, send him on loan to a team like Fiorentina or Udinese who can groom him and he'd get familiar with a higher level than Cagliari.
- Not lose Perisic on a free!

What was not possible:
- Sell Correa
- Sell Dzeko
We had a few offers but both players rejected to leave.
It was also not possible to sell Brozovic as he had just signed the new deal.

Not sure where Gosens would stand in this scenario, but I guess we could have loaned him out to Bundesliga or sold him to a PL club if that was our intention. I'm pretty sure Tottenham would have been interested for example, as they'd not have Perisic in this scenario.

Instead we tried to sell Bastoni. He seems lost now.
We tried to sell Skriniar. He seems pissed now. Contract is still expiring.
We considered selling Barella. Didn't get to the point of receiving offers iirc but Real Madrid and Liverpool were heavily interested in case we were. And we had named the price.

Now obviously this isn't easy as you get on a video game, but we allegedly have the best sporting director in Italy and one of the best in Europe, but the job he's done ever since the pandemic hit has been close to atrocious and the excuse of having shitty owners should be fading. He opted for the easy way out, which the players
themselves didn't approve of and we ended up with the worst possible scenario. All this while spending record fees in the previous season (2019-20 which includes the winter market where Eriksen arrived).

If we did this, we'd have the funds Suning asked for, we'd have a team that has less weaknesses and we'd just need to fill up 2 roster spots with limited funds. Under Sabatini we managed to get players on both these spots on a loan + option deal. Sure our reputation is lower now since we rarely take those on, but we could have found a right wing back on such a deal as well as a Sensi/Gagliardini replacement. Napoli managed to find a gem in Anguissa from Fulham this way, it's not as if we don't know a bunch of players to pick from, we just don't go for it.

So the management:
- Missed out on our main targets, spectacularly I might add.
- Failed to secure money from sales.
- Didn't reinforce the team in any way and did not replace in any way two significant losses in Perisic and Sanchez.
Small problem was that there were no official offer for Dumfries? Only for Skriniar and Bastoni got real offers with decent money. Also if Dumfries have good world cup we might get more than 35m? I’m all for selling him if good offer arrives and I hoped for that offer to come in last summer?

I also think De Vrij wants to go bosman next summer, that way he can get more money for himself. So even if we would have gotten that offer for ~12m (witch we did not), I think De Vrij would have turned it down like Dzeko did?

Clearly we did not get decent offer for Sensi other wise we would have sold him.

We payed for Sanchez and Vidal to leave, but still we saved few millions for doing so. We got Mkhitaryan for depth for lesser wage than Vidal. Lukaku replaced Sanchez and clearly Lukaku is better than Sanchez. Of course he is injured now, but on paper he is huge upgrade.

Bellanova is interesting player and he is on loan, so I don’t think we can loan him elswhere?

I really like Asllani and he seems to be really promising. Great transfer from our managment and good scouting! We need more of these kind of deals! Great to see we have good backup for Brozo!

Acerbi is free loan and he gave up two months of his wages to get this deal done. I think he has been solid and I don’t mind of players age if they perform. This was best we could pull off at current finances and we made 140m losses. This was also Simone request.

Bremer, Milenkovic, Akanji… would have happened if we would got good offer for Skriniar early, but PSG did not offer what was needed/wanted, so we could not make a move for any of those players. I also think it’s pretty normal that great players get good offers and sometimes that might mess up their heads, but I always hope they do their jobs and be professionals? But with our current finances we need to listen every offer and what players want? I think players should also know of our financial situation, so this should not be any surprise to them?

I still hope Skriniar extends and get his shit together? But if he wants to go, then so be it.

We managed to sell Pinamonti and Casadei for ~40m, not bad! We also got 7,5m from Di Gregorio and Gravillon.

We might also get 5m from Pirola after 20 games (obligation), Sensi 10m, Esposito 10m, Lazaro 5m so that would be 30m, but I think maybe only Esposito and maybe Sensi will be sold, but that will be close to what Suning wanted? We might also get something for likes of F. Carboni, Salcedo, Vanhausden, Radu next summer, or use them as depth. So it seem Marotta did not take the easy way this summer?

I was against Lukaku loan as Dybala was free. For me it seems that Zhang and Inzaghi wanted Lukaku more than Dybala? Zhang even presented Lukaku comeback in the summer and it seems like Zhang is big Lukaku fan? I think Marotta like more of Dybala as he got Dybala to Juve back in the day, but Zhang had upper hand on this one. This is of course pure speculation. Also Lula duo was good under Conte so, I get the idea… Also I have never seen this crazy deal for player to be sold over 100m and after a year get him back on loan :einstein:

To lose Perisic was a big mistake, but I think the idea was to cut some wages for not renew him with high salary and I think managment thought Gosens would be natural replacement for him, as did I? It seems Simone do not rate Gosens and maybe he will be sold next summer? I just hope he would get few games a row and show what he can do?

Coach is our biggest problem, with finance. I hope we can fix our coach problem if Suning decides to use/inject that 100m from those loans? For going forward we still have good players and great assets who we can sell and get fresh blood in and world cup might be good thing for us? I don’t mind us for selling players, if we get good offers.

Also we can lower our wages/costs as Dzeko, Gags, De Vrij, Danilo, Darmian, Dalbert, Acerbi, Handa might leave next summer. Also Lukaku and Skriniar futures need to be solved.

There are interesting free agents again next summer and I have some hopes that some of our young players might come good? Lautaro, Satriano, Barella, Asllani, Carboni, Agoume, Dumfries, Bellanova, Zanotti, Dimarco, Bastoni, Fontanarosa, Onana, Brazao are 26 or under. Correa, Hakan, Brozovic, Gosens, Skriniar all are under 30. That leaves Mkhitaryan, Danilo (might extend), Darmian (might extend) over 30. So with few loan deals and free agents we can still have one of the best squads in Serie A, with limited budget.

Antonello also needs to find us a new main sponsor and I hope new stadium will be solved end of next year? If that happens we will improve our finances and might find a new owner? That might also mean that our managment get sacked? I don’t mind that if we just get good people to replace them?

Sorry for long ass post! But I just don’t see everything as negative. Sure sporting results are not great now, but it might change if we find capable coach? My wish would be Bielsa as he has done good job with younger players and I think he would suit to Inter for 2-3 years. He is also flexible with his tactics and is used to operate with a limited founds.


Part time Lazarus
La Grande Inter
Jun 8, 2005
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time for some deus ex brehme