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    • #NotForMe
      #NotForMe reacted to DiegoMilito22's post in the thread Mehdi Taremi with Like Like.
      That isn't the story actually. Qatar Airways acted like cry babies because Inter used the name "Persian Gulf" in Taremi's introduction...
    • #NotForMe
      #NotForMe reacted to Jane The Virgin's post in the thread Valentín Carboni with Like Like.
      That's a good point. On paper, it really seems like he doesn't fit into this Inter squad, especially with our current formation...
    • #NotForMe
      #NotForMe reacted to thatdude's post in the thread Denzel Dumfries with Like Like.
      If you’re genuinely interested to understand why some may feel the character is stereotypical I’m happy to discuss through direct...
    • #NotForMe
      #NotForMe reacted to Materazzi_23's post in the thread Denzel Dumfries with Like Like.
      Fixed it for you.
    • #NotForMe
      #NotForMe reacted to brakbrak's post in the thread Denzel Dumfries with Like Like.
      Ive pretty much agreed with you guys so far regarding this ridiculous political bullshit around this forum but I think you guys are now...
    • #NotForMe
      why are we doing this? Buy a 19 year old just to loan him out?
    • #NotForMe
      #NotForMe reacted to Jane The Virgin's post in the thread Valentín Carboni with Like Like.
      Inter's transfer strategy with Carboni is driving me nuts. We've got a kid worth at least €35 million, but we're thinking about loaning...
    • #NotForMe
      #NotForMe replied to the thread Denzel Dumfries.
      Dude I just hate Lukaku
    • #NotForMe
      #NotForMe reacted to Gal's post in the thread Denzel Dumfries with Like Like.
      Has nothing to do with intelligence, also I don’t buy the effort thing either. I seen plenty over the years trying to learn my local...
    • #NotForMe
      #NotForMe replied to the thread Denzel Dumfries.
      Lukaku seems socially inept and has motor function issues, which we see in his first touches. Not sure about his intelligent, but...
    • #NotForMe
      #NotForMe reacted to Tsuna's post in the thread Denzel Dumfries with Like Like.
      you guys must also think Lukaku is the smartest FW in the world
    • #NotForMe
      #NotForMe reacted to pupivn's post in the thread Denzel Dumfries with Like Like.
      That doesn’t mean he couldn’t speak Italian, if he doesn’t feel comfortable to use it in media duty, he will use what express himself...
    • #NotForMe
      #NotForMe reacted to Il Drago's post in the thread Denzel Dumfries with Like Like.
      Few years ago i had met a linguist at a conference. He had told me that being a multilingual has nothing to do with intelligence. It's...
    • #NotForMe
      #NotForMe reacted to Darth_Ausilio's post in the thread Joaquín Correa with Like Like.
      We would be willing to accept payment spread out - one sack this season, one sack in 25/26.
    • #NotForMe
      Yea that is why I said right now it is still good for Oaktree to aim for young players, as long as they don't over do it. Yea I also...
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