Bannings and Suspensions


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Apr 22, 2005
10 years of FIF
What fucking attittude?! I'm waiting for that admin to come and say who was he that decided to ban me. I wanna know if it is the same admin that sent me a stupid warning a month ago about EMily case, where he told me I was abusing her sorry ass with Sexism (Where I DID NOT!).

Just because some people have a fucking button to edit or ban people doesn't mean they're always right. 3 years ago I was banned by someone here for some unknown reasons. After that I abandoned this fuckhole for more than 2 years. Yesterday I came and saw I was banned again for bickering posts in Zlatan's thread! U know what? You can't tolerate these things (AS U CLAIM BLA BLA!!!), I can't tolerate personal issuses regarding these things.

Even that I don't call myself anything special, but I know I always give what I know is the best here. Nor I'm a temper child that change my color for everything and every fucking episode here about Inter or anything else, nor I come in the forum trolling everhwere and then claim THIS IS MY OPINION! And I believe ur behaviour with me is extremely disrespectful, specially when I try to respect the rules here as best as I can. But seems that GUY that banned me donno that every action has a reaction. When I see someone is bullshiting around and try to spread his disease I can't sit silence and don't say anything! I think my posts are the best witness for what I say. If you just wanna pick on one post of mine for the reason to banning me, u better take a look at ur own posts too.

Mr. Admin I'm waiting for you. Be a man and show urself!


Jul 20, 2004
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I am sure whoever banned you still hasnt seen your posts. I believe the rules are a bit strict around here and some may seem extreme to you and me but what happened to you can happen to me, just chill man, whoever you want to insult you can do it in the PM's. Wether or not you agree with the ban its irrelvant really but i am sure whoever banned you will state the reason....and it was only 1 day man.


Mar 4, 2004
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The banning was something the admins & mods agreed unanimously.

You may think this forum is a joke and if an admin dislike you, he just ban you out of personal spite. But that's not how we take our decisions. We discuss everything thoroughly and seriously before making decisions such as banning & stuff.

And what's with this be a man, come out speech? What, you wanna throw more insults? Makes you more of a rock star or something? :wallbang:

By the way, Stefan already stated the reason for the ban.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Nov 22, 2007
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10 years of FIF
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you people?!! Have you got no balls?! You have to explain NOTHING to Nima as the reason we were banned was there. I don't think the decision was right but I respected it and Nima if you are half the man you try to portray yourself as then I suggest you do the same.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Sep 13, 2006
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# 3
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Nima, I banned you.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Apr 22, 2005
10 years of FIF
Ok whoever the fuck that was involved in the decision for banning me, let me tell you that it will be my last post here. As serious as you Admins or Mods or whatever the fuck you are, were in the decision that me and that little troll deserved the same punishment, I am at leaving this fuckhole forever. I never waste my time and energy in a place that has no fucking respect for me. As one of the longest members of this forum I expect more respect for myself than a new comer, or someone like a milan fan that come here and BS around. The point of banning me is unknown for me, cause it seems u wanted to teach me a fucking lesson. Well you got the fucking lesson. I'm leaving and this is not like what I did before. I'm leaving forever and I won't even comeback to see what fucking answer I got. SO don't waste ur fucking time!

Handoyo, you and other admins are the rock stars of this forum. Don't try to sound funny with these statements. This is ur place but not mine. Ehsan told me that he (they) know WHO are the trouble makers here. Sure as hell that he has no fucking clue about it. I leave this place and I'm sure from now on it will be a more pleasant place without a trouble maker like me. I leave you with the trolls and the ones that are in denial with their heads up their ass!!



Feb 13, 2008
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Il Capitano, Ib
That's why i advised admins to make some kind of warning system to prevent such situations.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Nov 22, 2007
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10 years of FIF


Mar 4, 2004
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Darky, we have implemented a warning system. Both of them have been warned in that thread and most of the time, we also even sent PMs to members before they are banned.

Clearly Nima is clueless, for lack of a better word, since "the point of banning him is unknown for him" when me & Stefan have given us the reasons.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Sep 13, 2006
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# 3
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We wont miss him anyways, now we mods dont need to discuss what Nima is saying. I dont think he knows we gave him a one day ban, just like a slap on the wrists to change him.


Aug 10, 2006
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Maicon, Zanetti
Not that it matters what I think, I'm in no way an authority, and you guys are all powerfull, but he actually has a point, and in my opinion a valid one at that. He's one of my favourite posters so therefore I'm gonna play devils advocate.

He wrote this:
I know, ur philosophy is to bring violence and hatred toward the people that did alot to us and try to sound rational by defining the meaning of Legend in ur own way! U don't need to tell me why Zanetti and Bergomi are legends. FYI the people that are at La grande Inter are not there becasuse of one particular thing. They are there for the things they've done for the club, if it was for being loyal to the club or helping it be a champion and staying at top.

Nothing against the rules in that post.

Nyall responded:
Seriously, can you please just stop replying to my posts?! You are intellectually challenged and is incapable of replying to posts with sense. So please don't waste your time replying to my posts because I won't read them.

Rule breaker? If not at least it's on the line. It's definitly a provocation.

Then Nimaraya went:

But u need to be more fair than this. It was just more than just one Parma game!;) He was earning the salary of 2,3 players together cause he had an impact of 2,3 players together.

There's even a smiley there, and this is after he's been insulted.
Nyall responded:

Does that mean he made game saving tackles, game winning saves, or even defended? To say that Zlatan is more valuable than all of JC, Maicon, Cambiasso, Chivu, Samuel, Cordoba. You talk about being fair yet you make the stupidest post since Disco_ZZang.

Another insult, whether it's an infringement I don't know, but Nyall keeps going at it.

Nimaraya responded:

If I do a stupid post I'll do it on my own level which is 100 times wiser than ur wisest post!

So after being called stupid twice, he hits back and basicly says that he's 100times smarter, which isn't really an insult. Basicly he's just defending himself.

Nyall respnded:
Cool. :dielaugh:

Not against the rules, the smiley is still insulting and provocating though.

Nimaraya responded to a different post of Nyall's with: [
B]U're just a child with a temper. Try to grow up and don't try to use THE IMAGE OF this club as an excusion to ur stupid thoughts.[/B]
Against the rules? Keep in mind this is after having been provocated for a few posts now..

Nyall responded to a different post of Nima's:
Look who's talking....:rollani:

Nima responded with the infamous Ibra shushing pic and the words "shut up", and then another picture pointing to Ibra's ass with a redline and the words "kiss it!", which btw I found hilarious. Was that against the rules, because if it was I would like to argue it shouldn't be because posts like that make a forum fun.

So in conlusion: What we have here is one guy being provoced with insults, and still responding with kindness and reason, another guy continues the provocing, untill the other guy defends hismelf, and eventually strikes back.

How on earth can it be fair that both of them got the same punishment? I think Nima is overreacting but at the same time I completely see his point. I had a similar incident with another poster a week ago where he basicly kept provocing me all the time, and I tried to stay reasonable, but he just kept provocing untill I hit back.

I believe both of us got a warning, and Han was so pleasent and polite in warning me that I just let it slide, but if I had been banned and gotten the same punishment as the guy provocing me I would of felt I was being treated unfairly aswell.

IMO, you guys should seriously have a discussion and consider banning or warning the provocateurs, and not the people who just try to defend themselves. If someone calls you "stupid" or "not an Inter fan, just an Ibra fan" it's very difficult to just let that slide. When I think about it if I would of been banned I probably would of reacted much in the same way Nimaraya did, because it basicly means someone can question my loyalty to Inter, and I just have to take it otherwise I risk being banned. What's next he can say he's gonna fuck my moma and I have to swallow that aswell? Who wants to stay at a forum like that? I rest my case, or rather: The defense rests. ;)

Nima, I seriosuly hope you can just be the bigger man in all of this and let it slide, because it would be real shame to lose you. I hope you decide to come back and stay with us inspite of all this. If not, take care and best wishes bro.:)

P.s Nyall, this isn't anything against you so don't take it like that. The only thing I think is unfair is that the two of you got the same punishment.
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Feb 13, 2008
Favorite Player
Il Capitano, Ib
Well, i for one am sure that Nyall is the biggest provocateur since Azzkikr left the board. Admins should look deeper in these matters. It's not the case of one or two posts/threads. It's overall atmosphere of our board.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Mar 4, 2004
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10 years of FIF
Me and Ehsan both posted public warnings in that thread for people not to get personal and focus on the issue. Those were ignored. If Nima felt that what Nyall had posted was insulting he should have reported the post instead of responding.


May 23, 2005
Favorite Player
Maicon, Zanetti
What fucking attittude?! I'm waiting for that admin to come and say who was he that decided to ban me. I wanna know if it is the same admin that sent me a stupid warning a month ago about EMily case, where he told me I was abusing her sorry ass with Sexism (Where I DID NOT!).

Just because some people have a fucking button to edit or ban people doesn't mean they're always right. 3 years ago I was banned by someone here for some unknown reasons. After that I abandoned this fuckhole for more than 2 years. Yesterday I came and saw I was banned again for bickering posts in Zlatan's thread! U know what? You can't tolerate these things (AS U CLAIM BLA BLA!!!), I can't tolerate personal issuses regarding these things.

Even that I don't call myself anything special, but I know I always give what I know is the best here. Nor I'm a temper child that change my color for everything and every fucking episode here about Inter or anything else, nor I come in the forum trolling everhwere and then claim THIS IS MY OPINION! And I believe ur behaviour with me is extremely disrespectful, specially when I try to respect the rules here as best as I can. But seems that GUY that banned me donno that every action has a reaction. When I see someone is bullshiting around and try to spread his disease I can't sit silence and don't say anything! I think my posts are the best witness for what I say. If you just wanna pick on one post of mine for the reason to banning me, u better take a look at ur own posts too.

Mr. Admin I'm waiting for you. Be a man and show urself!

:howler: This was a fun read. lol!!


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Nov 22, 2007
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Adam I love the fact that you started taking quotes the moment Nima starts to look like a saint and also that you put no offense to make it look like you're some kind of neutralist. Well guess what I did and you're not.

THIS IS HOW THE ARGUMENT STARTED. - nima comes out of nowhere and responds to my post which was directed to stefan.
Of course he belongs in La Grande Inter. It's hardly a place of prestige any more. He doesn't however belong anywhere near the truly greats of Inter like you said.

You say the same thing about Roberto Mancini too. Everyone that was an integral part of the success for this club is ignored by you so it means something is wrong with ur IQ! For sure Abdul Ali Suleyman Burdisso are Inter legends for u!!

As you can clearly see I was insulted first. BUT DID NOT INSULT BACK WHEN I POSTED THIS:

Something's wrong with my IQ?! Inter is something bigger than Scudetti 2 or 3 Scudetti. Those Scudetti are supposed to be celebrated not exalted.

If we call every coach that coaches us to a Scudetto or our best player a legend then it takes the whole point out of it doesn't it?!

Zanetti isn't a legend because he won us many trophies, neither was Bergomi. They are legends because they were truly had a love for Inter and new what it meant to be a Nerazzuri. To place a person in that same category after only 3 or 4 years of basically no competition and choking where it mattered is not my philosophy.

You omitted all of this and started with this:
I know, ur philosophy is to bring violence and hatred toward the people that did alot to us and try to sound rational by defining the meaning of Legend in ur own way! U don't need to tell me why Zanetti and Bergomi are legends. FYI the people that are at La grande Inter are not there becasuse of one particular thing. They are there for the things they've done for the club, if it was for being loyal to the club or helping it be a champion and staying at top.

I was called violent and a person who spreads hatred for simply saying what I felt. Being a Christian I felt insulted. So I posted this:

Seriously, can you please just stop replying to my posts?! You are intellectually challenged and is incapable of replying to posts with sense. So please don't waste your time replying to my posts because I won't read them.

I didn't want to continue talking to Nima so I simply asking to stop replying to my posts. I could have done it kinder but having already been insulted on my IQ I felt that I had to take a shot on his. Which is where the bolded part came in.

Then came this which you conveniently left out, Adam:rollani:
Yeah he's definitely doesn't consider an Interista from my eyes. Even if u hate Zlatan and Roberto Mancini u don't have to keep on going ur dirty play for a long time in an inter forum when they have had an real impact in our success. He doesn't care about inter at all when he says sucha things. He just wanna prove his stupidity over and over again! I hate Mourinho 10 times he hates Zlatan and Mancini together but I don't do all these dirty games about Mou that he does about them all the time.

I wonder who the he in that post referred to. Also, like you said Adam you'd never want your loyalty to Inter questioned but guess what? Mine was right there. But like i said before you conveniently skipped it.

Nima then posted this:
More crucial than all JC, Maicon, Samuel, CHivu, Cambiasso and Zanetti together. For more information look back at the last 3 years and take a look at the matches!
and this:
But u need to be more fair than this. It was just more than just one Parma game! He was earning the salary of 2,3 players together cause he had an impact of 2,3 players together.

And I posted this:
Does that mean he made game saving tackles, game winning saves, or even defended? To say that Zlatan is more valuable than all of JC, Maicon, Cambiasso, Chivu, Samuel, Cordoba. You talk about being fair yet you make the stupidest post since Disco_ZZang.

Can someone with sense tell me I'm wrong for thinking that it's incredibly stupid for not thinking that Zlatan's contribution was bigger than all those players put together?

If I do a stupid post I'll do it on my own level which is 100 times wiser than ur wisest post!
This was then posted by Nima to which I replied with this:
Cool. :dielaugh:
He thinks he's 100 times wiser than me. I think it's funny.

The next day I posted this:
Yeah that's before he dissed my club. For some reason I expected the guy to carry him self with class for the club he supported as a child.

He replied with this:
U're just a child with a temper. Try to grow up and don't try to use THE IMAGE OF this club as an excusion to ur stupid thoughts.

More insults.

Then later Alex De Large posted this:
Imo he is not a traitor or a mercenary, a gloryhunter? yes, a great professional? yes. but this don't means he belongs to la grande, u guys should honestly start another poll.

And Nima responded with this:
The first place we should open a poll is in ur head Alex.

First Choice: What's wrong with me?!
Second Choice: What the hell is wrong with me?!!
Third Choice: What the Fuck is wrong with me?!!!

Further insults to other users.

And I responded with this:
Look who's talking....:rollani:

Nima then replied with a pic of Ibra saying shut up and another telling me to kiss Ibra's ass.

You thought this was funny and instead of condoning the post you're ready to argue to support since posts of me getting insulted are funny to you.
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Aug 10, 2006
Favorite Player
Maicon, Zanetti
You're a Christian? Bwahahaha! That's just too funny! It made me spit out my coffee. :lol: No offense, but I didnt peg you as one. Anyway..

First off, I went through "the rubbish thread" and used the posts that were there. I figured all the insulting posts would be moved there and didn't bother to check the Ibra thread. I didn't "conveniently" leave out anything. In light of the new "evidence" you provided maybe the same punishment was just afterall. Or maybe not. To be honest I don't care enough to go back and check.

Second, I didn't say "it's nothing against you" to look like a neautral but simply to let you know it was nothing personal and perhaps avoid this discussion we're now having. Obviously I'm not a neutral because I hold Nima in high regard, and I was here defending him, but I wasn't here attacking you. You think I'm gonna waste time with a long post like that just to insult you? :lol: Don't flatter yourself kid.

Only time I might do that is when I'm trying to get you to stop talking to me. It worked for a while. Man, those were a nice couple of weeks.:)

In regards to his last post I found it clever and relevant considering the topic of discussion, which is what made it funny. It has absolutely nothing to do with you.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Nov 22, 2007
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An apology would have been nice you know but I would have expected nothing more from a Swede.