Hector Cuper

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El Chino Recoba

Feb 25, 2005
Wheres that thread that was here a while back?

Anyway looks like he will get Mallorca relegated, 4 straight loss
3-0 v Real Santander.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Mar 4, 2004
Favorite Player
Yeah, it got lost. :D

Anyway, the island hasn't been serene for a while. Today's result realy hurt, specialy with Sociedad winning. Cuper joked that he won't commit suicide if they lost, but it will be very hard.

He had a good start, but the results haven't been coming as of late. Last week's win was massive but today's is a set back.

BTW, do you really hate Cuper Faisal? Or you are just interested in what he is up to?


Mar 4, 2004
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I'm sure Cuper can perform a miracle! :stuckup:



Prima Squadra
Prima Squadra
Mar 18, 2005
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Cuper will lead Mallorca to La Liga glory.

La Liga 2 glory that is


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Mar 4, 2004
Favorite Player
Sure, go ahead and bash the man when he is down. Every inter fan owes this guy a token of gratitude, he brought us back to respectability.

Put the results aside and just think for a bit. We had a better team with Lippi, Simeoni etc. and they failed. What would've happened if we got some other coach the season after Tradelli left and we struggled.

I bet we would've been in financial trouble and half the players would've been gone. Thankfully, more inter fans than none appreciate Cuper.

And finally, look at the facts before you talk about Mallorca. Had they not had that huge gap when he took over, they would've been in a better position by now.

El Chino Recoba

Feb 25, 2005
Cuper isn't useless, Jusr so so so bad for Inter. But if that effienciency was because of him then he was good but I reckon it was the players that took their few chances. But who knows the guy might have a four leave clover stuck up his ass, Before he shits it out in May ofcourse.

Ok if he gets relegated or not who cares, I don't watch Mallorca that much compared to what I saw of him at Inter so I can't talk much about that.


Yeah, and this lineup is DEFINITELY a Scudetto-lineup:


Zanetti - Cordoba - Materazzi - Gresko

Conceicao - Di Biagio - C. Zanetti - Guly

Kallon - Vieri

Not to mention that Vieri missed several months and Ventola played instead. Now how many world-class players are there in this lineup? Toldo, Zanetti, Cordoba, Cristiano (who was brilliant that season, thanks to Cuper) and Vieri. The rest either performed crap or above their ability.

El Chino Recoba

Feb 25, 2005
Kallon Vieri nice partnership, Though wheres Recoba because we are talking about the whole season and not just 2 months

Why Guly? wtf what about Seedorf Emre Okan Dalmat etc?

Cuper had a great squad, Those players under a top coach would look far better. in your eyes but I see what they were. Remember this is 2001 2002 2003 not 2005. That Inter could of been so much more

JZanetti Cordoba Matrix/Canna Gresko
Dalmat Di Biagio/CZ Emre Seedorf
Vieri Recoba(obviously a left mid in Cuper's world)

In their prime, Add the bench depth. Inter shouldn't be making less chances than mid table teams.

Cuper got off very somehow in his 2 years, But seriously thank the players not Cuper.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Mar 4, 2004
Favorite Player
Maybe you haven't followed Dalmat and co. for the whole season. They had a brilliant moment or two but for the most part they were ineffective.

And Okan? Oh lord, do you think he is a good player? Emre, it was his first season and he was barely 20. Seedork? Only in Milan would such a player play, he only fits in one scheme. Why did he utterly fail with us, Real and always fails with Holland. :rolleyes:


Recoba was suspended during that season for quite some time, therefore Kallon was the one that played the most. A striker that didn´t score a single goal after the winter-break.

Dalmat was nagging about playing in central midfield the entire time, so when Cuper played him on the flank, he was not happy.

Seedorf was simply CRAP!

Okan?! :D Yeah, that´s world-class if I´ve seen it. If you seriously think that the squad we had during that time, with no natural wingers and no great left back, then I don´t know what to say. Prejudices have taken over any sort of logic in that case.

And if we didn´t have Canna either that season.

In his first season with that average squad he almost made us win the Scudetto for the first time in ages. Obviously a Romanista who hasn´t shared our pain or understood the transition we went from Tardelli to Cuper can realise that and will solely concentrate on the amount of "entertainment".

El Chino Recoba

Feb 25, 2005
Well we won't lknow, How can we know. The past is gone. I see those players in a different way then to you.

I used to watch Inter alot because of their class talents, And thats why I hated seeing such football being played. It mad me sick

We just have to use our imaginations, Those players wouldn't of shined the way they could of. Apart from the really great or hardworking players suited to that style. It could of been so so much more

But anyway imagine, If Cuper wasn't there those years and there was a basic balance formation and good management. You would say well Alvaro Recoba would be on the left wing and 'we' would play long ball ultra defensive football. Even when Ronaldo left we bought Crespo to play with Vieri and even when he got injured a has been Batigol played ahead of Reoba along side Vieri. 'The reporters would laugh and say' Thats rubbish, Recoba the Balon D'or winner? 2nd topscorer in SerieA behind golden boot winner Ronaldo? Vieri and Batigol? You must be kidding, You;d say yeah and the team would create the 2nd least chances in SerieA but Vieri would score the most goals. Dalmat would be a Anelka style nomad that didn't develop into the player he is now and would be playing in Toulouse, Inter would win fuck all and Ronaldo would be sold to keeo the coach who wanted this style of football. Recoba would make many assists on the left but be called inconsistent because of these impossible expectations in the system. He would get injured and be training with the primavera with Egdar Davids...

Buhaahhah laughter around the press conference, And its ended while the men in white suits come and take you.


I´m just guessing here... But you haven´t followed the Dalmat story closely at all, have you?

El Chino Recoba

Feb 25, 2005
Dalmat is a wierdo I know that, I followed him. He ain't no Chino I just brought his name out the hat. There were better players at Inter but he is one that could of been better if those years were spent under a Capello for example instead of Inter.

At the end of the day they obviously didn't become that team, Otherwise this converstation wouldn't be had.

Its all my crazy imagination, But even I couldn't come up with some of these stories that have come up at Inter over the years.


Dalmat was a player of immense talent and also performed at Inter. But that was when he played as a winger. He absolutely ruled at that position, but for some reason he came to Cuper and demanded him to play him in the central midfield. He played in that position for months and sucked completely. But he refused to go back to the flank, evedentually forcing himself out of the team.

Ironically he goes to Tottenham who also plays him on the flank, and now Tolouse is also playing him there.

If it wasn´t for Dalmat´s idiotic demands to play him out of position, he would be a very important player for us now. I saw that you said WE ruined him in another forum, but it´s completely the other way around.


Mar 5, 2004
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Javier Zanetti
El Chino Recoba said:
Well we won't lknow, How can we know. The past is gone. I see those players in a different way then to you.

I used to watch Inter alot because of their class talents, And thats why I hated seeing such football being played. It mad me sick

We just have to use our imaginations, Those players wouldn't of shined the way they could of. Apart from the really great or hardworking players suited to that style. It could of been so so much more

But anyway imagine, If Cuper wasn't there those years and there was a basic balance formation and good management. You would say well Alvaro Recoba would be on the left wing and 'we' would play long ball ultra defensive football. Even when Ronaldo left we bought Crespo to play with Vieri and even when he got injured a has been Batigol played ahead of Reoba along side Vieri. 'The reporters would laugh and say' Thats rubbish, Recoba the Balon D'or winner? 2nd topscorer in SerieA behind golden boot winner Ronaldo? Vieri and Batigol? You must be kidding, You;d say yeah and the team would create the 2nd least chances in SerieA but Vieri would score the most goals. Dalmat would be a Anelka style nomad that didn't develop into the player he is now and would be playing in Toulouse, Inter would win **** all and Ronaldo would be sold to keeo the coach who wanted this style of football. Recoba would make many assists on the left but be called inconsistent because of these impossible expectations in the system. He would get injured and be training with the primavera with Egdar Davids...

Buhaahhah laughter around the press conference, And its ended while the men in white suits come and take you.
Well then, if you had indeed followed that season where Cuper took the team to within an hour of the scudetto, then you could well and truly see how amazing this team performed despite being quite offensively inept. The midfield for the most part was quite clueless about attacking properly, and this included many of the sub players you mentioned, including Okan, Seedorf, Dalmat & co. Like others have mentioned, we played the majority of that season without true wingers in its proper sense - if you watched Guly & Conceicao, you would also wonder how Inter managed to create anything. There is a reason why the fans laughed at them all year round - despite them trying their very best, they were at most mediocre players at that point of time. You must also remember that this was very much a squad in chaos when Cuper took over. Our central defensive partnership was new but managed to do so well.

Honestly, the players did their very best in Cuper's first season, but it seemed obvious to me that under most other coaches, the end result we achieved wouldn't be possible. Cuper's style of play, while seemingly not your cup of tea, did indeed bring about results, results that would have ultimately paid off had we not shot ourselves in the foot. I am convinced that if we had won the scudetto, nobody would have denied Cuper his glory and praise. However, 60 mins of self destruction stole the recognition that the man should be deserving of. In essence, a season's worth of good work is forgotten simply because of an hour of chaos. Sad.


The Count of Anti-Milan

Prima Squadra
Prima Squadra
May 29, 2004
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Gerrard, Smicer
I copy and paste this friom the Mancini topic...

Here are the faults that seriously limit Cuper as a coach and things that, in the long run, damaged Inter:

1) He over-trains players. His fitness coach Alfano had methods that at one point had half the team was down with some sort of muscular injuries.

2) He is obsessed with defending and tactics. He didn't want to renounce C. Zanetti for Nesta even though players like Zanetti can be found on any street corner while Nesta is one of a kind. That speaks volumes of his footballing philosophy which is actually taking the team bus and parking it in front of the goal(copyright Jose Mourinho). His tactical rigidness prevents skillfull and genious players to express themselves and as a result he is unable to handle them. That is why Kaka ended up at Milan: he did not want him(and Moratti unjustly gets the blame for that). Nor did he want Ronaldinho when Moratti was first interested. And he chose Ventola over Adriano.

3) He gives everyone the same treatment regardless of the team position or talent. Believe it or not, that is a major flaw. Van Basten was never and could never be the same as Tassoti nor was Maradona the same as Renica, Platini and Cabrini etc. A champion is never on the same level as a squad player. Ronaldo is not Guly. Hierarchies always existed in the dressing room and always will, you could modify their relations but you can never ignore them. Cuper tried and failed.

4) The system he proposes is obsolete and predictable. The midfield of two DMs and two wingers gives zero creativity through the middle and is easily defended against if the oponents have good full-backs and a tall central defender to pick-off the not so many crosses that do make it in the area. No team in Europe fighting for honours deploys such a system. Also, there is no plan B to that except hoofball to the centerforward. As a result, Inter could rarely keep posession of the ball.

5) He was stubborn in his ideas beyond all limits of rational behaviour. He would never, ever ease up his training methods no matter how many players got muscular injuries. He never, ever made changes to the formation even when it was needed, even when it was absolutely necessary! Rather then change the formation to suit the available players he preferred to stick someone completely out of position. And even on the rare occasions that he did it was too little too late, usually 5 minutes before the end expecting intervantion from heaven, I assume. And don't get me started on the substiututes he made: Kily for Brechet when 2-0 down is now stuff of legends.

If you think I am incorect or exaggerating I ask you: how come no club wanted him on their bench since he was sacked at Inter, except a desperate Mallorca?


Mar 5, 2004
Favorite Player
Javier Zanetti
Yup, in the long run. The managed 2 seasons where we finished 3rd and 2nd respectively. And got knocked out of the Champions League on away gols. Now, am i dreaming that this is Inter doing something great for itself or is it thanks in large parts to a coach who revolutionized Inter?

Sure, his methods wasn't widely accepted, but they worked for the time he was at the club. If defensive football, rigid discipline and other 'negative' points of Cuper's makeup was what it takes to get Inter to the scudetto, then by all means, i would take it in the blink of an eye.


The Count of Anti-Milan

Prima Squadra
Prima Squadra
May 29, 2004
Favorite Player
Gerrard, Smicer
Miki said:
Yup, in the long run. The managed 2 seasons where we finished 3rd and 2nd respectively. And got knocked out of the Champions League on away gols. Now, am i dreaming that this is Inter doing something great for itself or is it thanks in large parts to a coach who revolutionized Inter?

Sure, his methods wasn't widely accepted, but they worked for the time he was at the club. If defensive football, rigid discipline and other 'negative' points of Cuper's makeup was what it takes to get Inter to the scudetto, then by all means, i would take it in the blink of an eye.


Yes, but did you win it Miki? No!

A simillar situation was in Liverpool with Gerrard Houllier. He also was a rigid, tactical, ultra-negative coach who at first, did bring results so everything was forgiven. However, once he was seen through, the one-dimensional game of his could no longer bring out anything. Houllier also chased away any player that jumped out of his precious system(McAllister, Littmanen, Berger) and brought in duds like Diouf and Cheyrou. Title hopes were all but gone, Liverpool were regularly loosing to not only to United, Arsenal and Chelsea but also to te likes of Charlton, Birmingham, Pompey some of them even at Anfield. As a result, the loosers' mentality set in as well as timidity on the pitch. On top of it all, the board could not see that it was the end for Houllier and hung on to him for too long. So now, since Benitez has not been able to either revive or get rid of the dead wood left by Houllier, if Liverpool don't win the derby on Sunday they may as well kiss the 4th place good-bye, and with it Steven Gerrard. That may bring other consequences, such as no money for reinforcement due to lack of Champions league football. Liverpool is looking at quite a long period of mediocricy and their fans are not even aware of it. You see, Houllier brought Liverpool back to respectable levels for a little while, but in the long run, he might have damaged them more then the European ban did.(Not that I'm complaining. FOREVER EVERTON!!! :p :finger: )

Cuper would have done the same, had Moratti not sacked him. Everyone has seen through his game and he was unable to make any changes. Had he stayed for a full season Inter would have not even made it into the UEFA cup! If I was Moratti, I would have kicked Cuper out of the club right after the shame of Atalanta-Inter in 02/03: at 2-2 with 15 or so minutes remaining he took off the only striker Martins and Inter played something like 4-6-0. Anyone should have seen there and then that with Cuper Inter will never win.