Thank you sir.Grande Capitano. Good luck with it my friend.'s not bad, but its also Spanish (el capitan), and hispanic population is big here, and i dont want to be sounding like a mexican seafood restaurant...if you know what i mean.
Maybe Capitano's Italian Kitchen...hmmm
Haha...Zanetti visiting my Restaurant would give me instant heart attack from happiness...and shit i wouldn't mind itLa pzzeria del capitano or el capitno's pizzeria.
That definitely sounds Italian (and not Spanish). Maybe it's just me but whenever I see an Italian restaurant with an Italian name I always assume that the owner is actually Italian and thefore the food must be good.
Capitano's Italian Kitchen seems to me a wanna-be Italian restaurant.
Would it be ready by summer? If yes, then check if Inter have a US tour this summer. Maybe you can get in touch with Zanetti and invite him for the opening?
Are you planning on having screens in the restaurant? Maybe you could display the WC games. The name would attract football fans and showing the games would seal the deal.
Il Muro, The Wall.
Keep the mexicans out!
plz dont bann me i just had to name our Walter Samuel
That would be very difficult for Americans to say it but personally i like it.I still think IL BISCIONE is the way to go tbh(why...I associate it with my Italian grandma and her biscuits LOOOL,brain you funny af)...but you will have to decide not me so
Haha...Zanetti visiting my Restaurant would give me instant heart attack from happiness...and shit i wouldn't mind it
And yes, im planning on opening in about month or so from now.
Also, i know almost everybody in Austin that's associated with soccer...i own another small New York style pizza place here, and a lot of soccer fans come and watch yes, im planing on having TV screens here too, because people who know me, would expect to watch soccer here too
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Yes, i have people that already work for me in another restaurant. Instagram account without a name? To soon, no?Wouldn't hurt to try to contact Zanetti, would it? Haha
But in a month or two is too soon. Then stick with the worldcup thing. Do you have your chef yet? If yes, then definitely make an instagram account and start putting up pictures of your dishes from now so you can gather enough customers for the opening. By the worldcup hopefully your restaurant will jampacked.
Yes, i have people that already work for me in another restaurant. Instagram account without a name? To soon, no?
Yes, i know someone who ive worked before. He takes pics and takes care of my social media accounts.You gotta decide on the name as soon as possible but definitely not without a name.
Since you know a lot of soccer fans, when you make the instagram account you can ask them to follow you and spread the word.
Italian food and world cup matches, what more can anyone ask for.
The perfect scenario would've been Italy being in the WC
If you did start an instagram account make sure you hire a professional photographer so you can post high quality pictures to attract customers.
However this all depends on your budget.
What kind of place is it going to be? Classy? Casual?
Yes, i know someone who ive worked before. He takes pics and takes care of my social media accounts.
It's gonna be more like trattoria type...casual.
Thank you sir. Much appreciated.:thumbsup:Perfect.
Good luck! If you started the instagram account make sure to post here so we can follow you.
Yes...couple days ago, right...or yesterday don't remember.i wonder if you have read that (according to amazon is considering buying serie A tv rights for the US (among other countries)
Bergomi’s or Zanetti’s is what I would go if I decide on a name.My opinion is to go for an original Italian name. No Spanish-like or English-like names. I also wouldn't worry much about it being hard for Americans to recognize. Italian names and culture is pretty recognizable in the US as far as I know (or it depends on the state?).
One word names would make it easier. Nerazzurri, La Beneamata, Il Biscione are simple and original. Players names are a cool option too: Meazza, Bergomi, Zanetti, etc.
Bergomi’s or Zanetti’s is what I would go if I decide on a name.
Bergomi sounds better for a restaurant.