Inter has not lost to Sampdoria in their last 4 games scoring 4 wins.
Inter and Sampdoria in Serie A have played
124 matches, with Inter having a positive result:
- Wins - 67 ndeshje
- Draws - 37 ndeshje
- Losses - 20 ndeshje.
Inter will be a guest on Saturday and when Inter has been in Genoa,
62 matches have been played, with Inter again having a positive result:
- Wins - 29 ndeshje
- Draws - 21 ndeshje
- Losses - 12 ndeshje
Inter and Sampdoria, in total in all competitions including (Serie A,Coppa Italia and Supercoppa) have meet
134 times, with Inter having:
- Wins- 71 ndeshje
- Draws - 40 ndeshje
- Losses - 23 ndeshje
The first match between Inter and Sampdoria was developed in Serie A:
- 1946/47 - Inter 2-1 Sampdoria
Most goals scored matches between Inter and Sampdoria:
- 1955/56 - Inter 7-1 Sampdoria
- 1971/72 - Inter 4-4 Sampdoria
- 1956/57 - Inter 6-1 Sampdoria
- 1996/96 - Inter 3-4 Sampdoria
Inter’s deepest victories as a guest against Sampdoria:
- 2017/18 - Sampdoria 0-5 Inter
- 1969/70 - Sampdoria 0-5 Inter
- 1965/66 - Sampdoria 0-5 Inter
The last 5 matches between Inter and Sampdoria:
- 2018/19 - Inter 2-1 Sampdoria
- 2018/19 - Sampdoria 0-1 Inter
- 2017/18 - Sampdoria 0-5 Inter
- 2017/18 - Inter 3-2 Sampdoria
- 2016/17 - Inter 1-2 Sampdoria
The last 5 matches played in “Luigi Ferraris”:
- 2018/19 – Sampdoria 0-1 Inter
- 2017/18 – Sampdoria 0-5 Inter
- 2016/17 – Sampdoria 1-0 Inter
- 2015/16 – Sampdoria 1-1 Inter
- 2014/15 – Sampdoria 1-0 Inter
Current Inter players who have scored against Sampdoria:
- D’Ambrossio - 3 goals
- Candreva – 2 goals
- De Vrij – 2 goals
- Bastoni – 1 goal
- Skriniar – 1 goal
- Brozovic – 1 goal
- Politano – 1 goal
- Sanchez – 1 goal