
might be Deadpool
La Grande Inter
Mar 28, 2011
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Bea Arthur
10 years of FIF
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@Breaking Bad- And because they achieved to bring us a 1,5 years long story in 5 seasons :D it is the only 'big' TV series I am not arsed to rewarch tho

Game of Thrones was doomed from the start. Book readers started the hype, then first season came and some didn't like it. The first four seasons were good, but after that most or us book readers were pissed off. Still had good moments here and there, but I only watched on because I knew they went off the rails enough to not be spoiled too much.

By the time I was watching season 4 I knew GoT will not be The Wire or Sopranos or even Breaking Bad.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
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Game of Thrones shot itself to the foot.

I started watching it when it came out but then stopped as I hate the wait. I like to binge watch through seasons, long before Netflix was around, so in general I thank them for existing. Game of Thrones I watched recently actually. Didn't have the mood earlier and wanted it to finish first.

I had no idea about the story, but after a while I was wondering what the fuss was about? It's a War of the Roses fantasy parody or whatever it may be called. If they didn't immerse themselves into fantasy situation, I think it'd be far better. Blame the writer or the tv production, I don't even know the "real" story of it.

There's not a great list of tv shows that provided tension and eagerness to watch the next episode. I mean at a high level.

Lost was one of these.
Prison Break in two of its seasons was like this.
True Blood was like this.
24 was like this.
Game of Thrones had a few episodes like this.
Twin Peaks was like this. These guys left us hanging for 25 years just like the little mirror dude told us :lol:

Blacklist for example does not have this regularly, but when they add this element it just ties in so well.

House of Cards had this to a lesser extent when it was still good.

I don't disagree that Breaking Bad is great, I have it high on my list. But it's just that I feel that it's not for everyone's taste.

I really liked Boardwalk Empire for example. Would rewatch for sure.
Peaky Blinders not so much, which is another hyped one. Good show of course, but not a high quality one. I think Netflix & social media hype helped them a lot. Just like with Friends from comedies. It was mostly hype. People who have seen other sitcoms do not rate Friends as high unless they grew up with it. But during its peak, it was Friends or bust, because it gained too much popularity in that new age of internet.

Tv shows like Mad Men for example may end up being a bit boring, but it was typically well executed. Same with The West Wing, but it also lost its appeal after a while and became repetitive.
Band of Brothers was one of the first excellent ones. Short and to the point. The Pacific that followed is something I need to watch again since I don't even remember it anymore.
Dexter was epic.
Deadwood was very good.

I don't care much about intercharacter relationships and all that
sentimental crap they want to add in to get the attention of snowflakes. You have a tv show based on something, don't put romance shit in it. It always feels forced.

The tv show Billions ruined itself for example for no reason. And they didn't even realize it, they kept that shit going for 2 more seasons or whatever.
Homeland also started very well but then it became a bit weird, then good again, then weird again...
From historic ones, Rome is probably the best, but too short.
Spartacus was enjoyable but not for everyone as there's too much blood and sex.

Never watched the Walking Dead expect for a few brief moments as it was on tv when I was in England. Felt like a crap show from the little I've seen.

From the hyped ones I haven't seen, I'd like to give Sons of Anarchy a chance (watched only 2 episodes at the beginning).

The good thing is that there's a great variety of tv shows in the last 15 years or so and it's becoming even more popular, even if more than 1/3 of these ideas are reboots or series versions of older movies.


Jul 31, 2017
Favorite Player
And Married with Children was great with Al Bundy, whose Modern Family character wasn't really that great overall yet he was one of the best parts of that tv show. es, Minster!

The problem I have with Ed O'Neil is that every time I see him I think of Al Bundy. I even saw an episode/movie (I really don't know anymore) of him being a murder investigator. I couldn't take it serious and just kept thinking to myself: Why is Al Bundy suddenly a cop?

And how can you not love the Office? The American version is so f*ckin good, I really thought this shows has the kinda humor you got Brehme.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
10 years of FIF
Most Passionate Member
Well, it's not that it doesn't bring laughter.

It does.
30 Rock
The Office
Brooklyn Nine Nine

These are very funny shows but they have more of a childish element unlike other comedy shows that have a brilliance element. That's what sets the Jerry Seinfeld & Larry David stuff apart. Or Frasier.

I like the Office but I'm not a huge fan of it. I rate it but don't rate it anywhere near as my top sitcoms.


Jul 22, 2007
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The problem we had with Game of Thrones was that the writers rejected a 3 season contract for GOT to go do Star Wars.. then they almost immediately quit Star Wars ... Tossers

The Office

Pick 1 if you dare! (the 2 greatest comedy shows of all time)


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
10 years of FIF
Most Passionate Member
Pick 1 if you dare! (the 2 greatest comedy shows of all time)


Both are actually rip offs, unless you're referring to the British version of The Office.


Jul 22, 2007
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Both are actually rip offs, unless you're referring to the British version of The Office.

The Office UK (imo) was one of the worse tv shows of all time, even though season 1 is a carbon copy word for word with the US version! Steve Carrell, Judasinski, Rainn Wilson, Jenna Fischer.. it just works better, they gel better.

I didn't know about Friends though, what is that a rip off, off?


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
10 years of FIF
Most Passionate Member
The Office UK (imo) was one of the worse tv shows of all time, even though season 1 is a carbon copy word for word with the US version! Steve Carrell, Judasinski, Rainn Wilson, Jenna Fischer.. it just works better, they gel better.

I didn't know about Friends though, what is that a rip off, off?

The US version of Office is better, sure. But they're not even hiding the fact that it's the same thing anyways.

As for Friends, it's pretty much a rip off of Seinfeld with a younger cast and more romance shit to appeal to teens and twentysomethings of the time whereas Seinfeld was more universal and was for a more mature crowd. The rip offs were either blatant or more. Mostly subtle ones but the blatant was are painfully obvious. It is also a rip off of a now obscure tv show called Living Single. Same premise. Six single friends who hang out at a coffee shop or something. And also a lot of things from Cheers.
Seinfeld was pretty much a show where the people hanged out in one apartment and one coffee place, which the Friends took as well.

Half the episodes from the first couple of seasons of Friends were taken from the Seinfeld garbage disposal, as both were NBC productions. It was too easy to get access to that material and it was a goldmine for Friends. I have a 24 hour Friends channel and even now I have it on just because it's too casual tv and I don't need to pay attention, but since I've watched both series more than 10 times each I can safely tell you that it's painfully obvious that it's a rip off.
From the lesbian ex and hanging around with your ex to references on Minsk or annoying neighbours. Or the most idiotic "no more falafel for you" by Ross... an extremely poor attempt to rip off 'No soup for you!'. Or how no one allegedly knew what Chandler does for a living which has been the question on Seinfeld when it came to Kramer.

The Friends characters are very inconsistent. If you look at the first seasons, there's a lot of fluctuation between who's what. It happens with most shows, writers are not having an easy time setting out characters right. But with Friends we have a lot of differences.

As for the characters themselves, you can see elements from the Seinfeld cast on each.
Chandler is having a lot of Jerry moments. He was the outlet of the best lines and probably the best character on the show, until they married him to Monica...
Elaine is depicted by both Monica (too many BFs) and Phoebe (crazy part).
Monica is having a 'neatness' problem like Jerry.
Joey is a failed attempt to have a "funny" person like Kramer was.
Rachel and Ross are annoying together but Rachel was fun when she wasn't forced to do rom-com shit. Ross was only funny when he had George Costanza type of explosive behavior ("my sandwich", "we were on a break" etc).
Ross and Chandler, buddies from school. Based on Jerry and George, friends from school.
Phoebe (and Joey) using aliases. Something that George Costanza did a lot, as did Kramer. And Jerry 1-2 times.

One is funny, the other is forcing laughs. And I'm not talking about the silly laugh sounds they place after every single line.

It takes art to make an entire episode about going to the movies, searching your car in a mall parking lot, waiting for a restaurant table and be funny every single time you watch it. With Friends there's more randomness while they're carrying a story. But the entire premise of the episode is like a Seinfeld rip off which different dialogue.

One made you laugh with people that you'd never consider hanging about with, the other pretended they're some cool friend gang that all had sexual relations with each other... But at the same time, while Seinfeld is based on treating people like dirt and laughing about it, the Friends group keeps doing that to each other and it becomes melodramatic and silly at times.
The two major differences are:
- Seinfeld is pessimistic, Friends is life is too good to be true.
- Seinfeld is cynical, Friends is a rom-com.

Friends lacked a lot in their support cast. The Geller parents were very good but they didn't leave their mark for example and we barely see any other family from the main cast even if they were mentioned or appeared many times.
And the guest stars are lacking. Sure, George Clooney ER reference, Brad Pitt (Aniston''s husband at the time) and Bruce Willis are great, but that's nothing compared to the Seinfeld show.

Honestly, if you watch them both at the same time, the entire series and have an idea of what was aired when, you cannot fail to notice this. I think there's only one thing that Seinfeld "copied" from Friends which is something on gonorrhea, but it can be considered more like Seinfeld coming back on an older idea they had with fake diseases than copying Friends. Also, it wasn't really a rip off in terms of what the situation was about.

Now that Netfilx will lose the rights to Friends and gained the rights to Seinfeld, assuming they manage to play the video quality up (1989 till late 90s is not good quality television) I think the hype will resurge and more people will understand that one is an all time classic and the other doesn't date very well. People watched Friends because of the hype from the age of internet and Jennifer Aniston's star. No one else is widely known. Courtney Cox was the only actress that had a career before Friends (and after) and guess what? She was a Seinfeld guest star prior to that which helped her become this thing. She was supposed to be the Rachel character actually. Seinfeld has quotes that are still used in the English language (at least in the USA) whereas Friends is mostly about liking the characters and pretending you're one of them. Which is crazy, because they're not really that consistent.

The thing Friends has over Seinfeld is internationalism, due to the age it took off. Internet. Prior to that Seinfeld had jokes in the series about writing checks and most call jokes are on landline phones. So more people grew up watching Friends than Seinfeld. Popular doesn't mean better.

I think younger generations would prefer comedies like Bing Bang Theory over Friends. Cannot say they'd like it more over Seinfeld once they watch it though.

On the other hand, Curb your Enthusiasm is a different animal. That's for very peculiar tastes and I must say that it's one of my favorite ones, but I understand why people aren't buying into it. Similar to Always Sunny in Philadelphia which has some darkness in it. I don't like "in your face" type of shoving humor, feels too forced. And the catalyst to what makes Seinfeld >>> Friends is that with Seinfeld you die laughing every time you watch. With Friends you may find something funny initially but overall it doesn't come back at you the same way. The key is to ignore the laughing cues in both shows and feel for it yourself. You will notice which ones are too forced and which are pure funny.

If you want me to start listing the rip offs, it's going to take me 5 hours and twenty blocks of text. So beware :D


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 21, 2009
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10 years of FIF
Friends is shite.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 2, 2007
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Cryptozo d King
10 years of FIF
Mandalorian is going to be Joel and Lady Mormont from game of thrones will be Ellie. In the hbo series.

I like the actor but they should have given Hugh Jackman a truckload of money to be Joel he would have been perfect

Conan the Barbarian

Mar 28, 2018
Favorite Player
Mandalorian is going to be Joel and Lady Mormont from game of thrones will be Ellie. In the hbo series.

I like the actor but they should have given Hugh Jackman a truckload of money to be Joel he would have been perfect

I'm shocked. I really don't know what the fuck is wrong with HBO? I respect Pedro Pascal too but what's the similarity with Pascal and Joel. Not only Hugh Jackman there is also Jim Caviezel. And Lady Mormont is gonna be Ellie, isn't it? Holly shit!

I'm pretty sure that HBO is gonna fuck it up as what Netflix did with The Witcher.


might be Deadpool
La Grande Inter
Mar 28, 2011
Favorite Player
Bea Arthur
10 years of FIF
Most Diverse Poster
How come you don't like The Witcher? It's fun fantasy schlock, just like the books. :)


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 2, 2007
Favorite Player
Cryptozo d King
10 years of FIF
How come you don't like The Witcher? It's fun fantasy schlock, just like the books. :)

It doesn’t get interesting till the last episode. Way too
Much hey wait 5 eps to get invested in this show.

If it didn’t have Superman in it. People wouldn’t watch it


Jul 22, 2007
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10 years of FIF
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Witcher was great, need to get that re-watched for the incoming second season this year.


might be Deadpool
La Grande Inter
Mar 28, 2011
Favorite Player
Bea Arthur
10 years of FIF
Most Diverse Poster
It doesn’t get interesting till the last episode. Way too
Much hey wait 5 eps to get invested in this show.

If it didn’t have Superman in it. People wouldn’t watch it

The games made the hype tbh.


Jul 17, 2010
10 years of FIF
Forum Supporter
Well, it's not that it doesn't bring laughter.

It does.
30 Rock
The Office
Brooklyn Nine Nine

These are very funny shows but they have more of a childish element unlike other comedy shows that have a brilliance element. That's what sets the Jerry Seinfeld & Larry David stuff apart. Or Frasier.

I like the Office but I'm not a huge fan of it. I rate it but don't rate it anywhere near as my top sitcoms.

The Good Place tbh


Jul 22, 2007
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10 years of FIF
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Efficient way of saying what I said :D

I did read your essay haha its hard to reply to long lengths of texts for me, I am more short and sweet but I did appreciate your answers!

Conan the Barbarian

Mar 28, 2018
Favorite Player
I've just binged-watched The Wire this weekend. My third time watching this serie but damn, this serie deserves so much more recognition and attention than it really got in the end. For everyone who doesn't know this serie: Shame on you and start watching!

The best drama of all time...PERIOD

''You know what the most dangerous thing in America is, right? Nigga with a library card.''

Brother Mouzone


Apr 3, 2010
Favorite Player
Have you guys seen the Voltus V new trailer?? Give me chills tbh