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    • DARi0
      It's a shame that Serie A is losing Bonaventura. I still remember how he was meant to play for Inter but someone would not leave to make...
    • DARi0
      DARi0 reacted to thatdude's post in the thread Preseason 2024 with Like Like.
      Getting him ready for limited minutes this season. No in all seriousness it's probably because he just joined training camp
    • DARi0
      DARi0 replied to the thread Preseason 2024.
      Highlights here: https://www.inter.it/en/inter-tv/0_71hogkj6
    • DARi0
      DARi0 replied to the thread Inter Jerseys.
      Yes. These companies (usually easily distinguished by having the colour red in their logo) are selling legal drugs in products marketed...
    • DARi0
      DARi0 reacted to Darth_Ausilio's post in the thread Inter Jerseys with Like Like.
      I talked to the Oaktree team. It turns out that their market research indicates a lot of growth potential in the mentally ill and/or...
    • DARi0
      DARi0 reacted to Gal's post in the thread Inter Jerseys with Like Like.
      Your never sole responsible for an addiction, your basically a victim of your brains reward system and mental issues. Also it’s highly...
    • DARi0
      DARi0 reacted to Gal's post in the thread Inter Jerseys with Like Like.
      Personally I hope EU put an end too any sort of advertisement from gambling sites, alcohol and other things that can lead too addictions.
    • DARi0
      DARi0 reacted to Pimpin's post in the thread Inter Jerseys with Like Like.
      count yourself lucky if you have not had a person near you affected from gambling addiction. In the balkans this fucking disease is...
    • DARi0
      DARi0 reacted to Pimpin's post in the thread Inter Jerseys with Like Like.
      I love how whole FIF was meltdown mode because we could get an "oil" owner, and how that goes against their "values". Yet now we have...
    • DARi0
      DARi0 reacted to ChillBro's post in the thread 2024/2025 Forwards Rumours Thread with Like Like.
      hahah called it
    • DARi0
      DARi0 replied to the thread 2024/2025 Defenders Rumours Thread.
      Of course not, Marotta is playing the waiting game again. We're waiting for Arsenal to complete the Calafiori deal so they have a...
    • DARi0
      DARi0 replied to the thread Mehdi Taremi.
      'Bam Bam' Zamorano had the smartest number ever 1+8
    • DARi0
      DARi0 reacted to #NotForMe's post in the thread Benjamin Pavard with Like Like.
      Wow my wife's instinct was so right, I asked her when Pavard first joined, what does your Gaydar tell you, cause everyone said he is...
    • DARi0
      DARi0 reacted to IM21's post in the thread Benjamin Pavard with Like Like.
      congrats... twitter was wrong when they thought he was a rainbow warrior
    • DARi0
      DARi0 reacted to RickyMaravilla'sRightFoot's post in the thread Lucien Agoumé with Like Like.
      I actually like Agoume, but we’re so stacked in midfield and potentially bringing back Fabbian next summer. There’s no shot he breaks...
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