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    • PlaymakerX
      PlaymakerX replied to the thread Lautaro Martinez.
      I've seen some rumors of PSG trying to get him to replace Mbappe, but haven't seen anyone officially confirming it.
    • PlaymakerX
      PlaymakerX replied to the thread Lautaro Martinez.
      Good news, as that might really be the maximum this club can offer.
    • PlaymakerX
      PlaymakerX replied to the thread Lautaro Martinez.
      "Players are not robots. We can not expect him to play most games in a full fixture list without a drop off in performance, its...
    • PlaymakerX
      PlaymakerX replied to the thread Lautaro Martinez.
      You sound like he's forced to, but he's not. He had the chance to rest for some unimportant games, but chose not to. How can I tell...
    • PlaymakerX
      PlaymakerX replied to the thread Inter Jerseys.
      FUCK lazyass nike. The more I look at this jersey design, the more it makes me wanna bang my head against the wall.
    • PlaymakerX
      PlaymakerX replied to the thread Lautaro Martinez.
      To me, 9M is the maximum that he's worthy of. Yes he has been helping the team and scores a lot of goals. But EACH season, he would be...
    • PlaymakerX
      PlaymakerX replied to the thread Steven Zhang.
      It works in the mandarin speaking part too. And you’re right about 鸡鸡.
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