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      tonyclifton replied to the thread Tanner Tessmann.
      So apparently we are signing him, and immediately sending him out on loan to Everton. While I would love to see how this 'Murican dude...
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      tonyclifton replied to the thread Mehdi Taremi.
      Ah, of course. The Prince of Persia. I knew the media team would do that shit. 😂
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      tonyclifton replied to the thread Benjamin Pavard.
      For some unknown reason, Pavard does seem so proud that he's an Inter player. I have always considered Bayern a bigger side, so I find...
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      tonyclifton replied to the thread Piotr Zieliński.
      What a signing. A definite starter for sure. But Inzaghi has a strange fetish for Mkhitaryan, so we never know. Mkhitaryan is a great...
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      tonyclifton replied to the thread Tanner Tessmann.
      :lol: Thanks brehme. My opinion isn't wrong after all. Tessmann does look like Logan Paul.
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      tonyclifton reacted to brehme1989's post in the thread Tanner Tessmann with Like Like.
      Is that not the same person?
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      tonyclifton replied to the thread Tanner Tessmann.
      Some 'Murican influencer who apparently wrestles in Dubya Dubya Ee nowadays. I don't know, maybe the haircut.
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      tonyclifton replied to the thread Tanner Tessmann.
      He looks like Logan Paul though.
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      tonyclifton reacted to DARi0's post in the thread Tanner Tessmann with Like Like.
      Wow, based on this video we got ourselves a bargain! Serie B is not exactly trash, top teams play exciting football - it's the defending...
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      tonyclifton replied to the thread Tanner Tessmann.
      I have never watched this 'Murican dude play. But everybody looks like prime Gerrard in Youtube videos. Dude surely can shoot, pass...
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