First, It sounds unfair and unnecessary to me. Deleting/modifying the post + banning a couple of days seems fair to me. But i know I'm not in any place to make any decisions here. I said this as an example.
Second, this total scene seems to me like you're looking for an excuse to ban some people who think different than you here.
I'm not sure and maybe I'm wrong, but i think All admins think almost the same and it's easy for them to ban those who are against them.
For your second point, there are a few counterarguments I would make:
1) If _OC_ had responded to Kramerica's post by simply saying "ADRossi only moderated this after Linege responded with a right-wing view, your moderation is biased," he would not have been banned. Instead, he used this as an opening to spread hateful rhetoric about a race of people. There are different ways to approach problems. He chose the wrong way.
2) This is not _OC_'s first problem on the forum. He was banned last year for one week after he got into a dung slinging contest with Candreva's Crosses. He also received an infraction earlier this year for, unprovoked, insulting another forum member. At some point you need to draw the line. We've banned like two non-troll forum members since I became a moderator. I don't think this is a reign of terror.
3) We have a diverse group of moderators who (hopefully) can cater to the different demographics of people on the forum. I cannot tell you the politicial affiliation of any moderator on this forum (although I'm pretty sure
@CafeCordoba is a communist
@thatdude and I both live in America.
@Il Drago and
@CafeCordoba both live in Europe. I understand that as an American I cannot always understand why people are passionate about certain topics. That's when we can rely on the others to help make decisions, and for the record the European moderators both agree with this decision. I will tell you now, both
@thatdude and I could not care less about European immigration policies. It has ZERO impact on our lives. I can't even name you ten living European politicians.
P.S: I firmly feel that if some people are too soft and don't have tolerance for things they disagree with or don't like to see written, they don't belong on an international forum. Rather than pampering to the lowest common denominator, it's much better to expose people to a variety of worldviews and see how different people handle the same things. I'm not saying we should lose members or ban people, but if it were between losing OC or crzd (let's call them complete opposites, they're not but for the sake of this example), I'd much rather lose the ones who complain about either of them for the sake of complaining.
I think you hit the nail on the head here,
@brehme1989. There were four or five different instances where _OC_ reported Crzd's posts this year alone. In at least one
instance Crzd received an infraction. Clearly _OC_ cannot emotionally handle reading Crzd's posts without being triggered. He could have used the ignore list feature, but chose not to. Now that we're switching back to a zero tolerance approach, some of
@crzdcolombian's posts may need to be handled differently in the future. But, personally for me, I zero clue how anyone reads Crzd's and takes them as seriously as _OC_ did. I laugh, roll my eyes, and move on. Maybe that's because Crzd and I live in the same country. I haven't received any other instances of forum members reporting Crzd's posts. I
think the majority of you view things the same way I do, but if you don't now is your opportunity to vocalize it.