Inter - Milan (24 Jan 10)


Dec 9, 2008
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FFUUCCK MilanMerda !


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jul 24, 2006
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Black & Blue
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Special request to IF for translation of this piece:

MILANO, 25 gennaio 2010 - E' l'arbitro Rocchi il protagonista in negativo di questa 21ª giornata. Ecco tutti gli episodi da moviola del week-end.

Inter-Milan 2-0
di Antonello Capone
Passa un minuto e Ronaldinho entra fuori tempo su Lucio: Rocchi si limita al richiamo verbale, ma è da giallo. Al 3’ ne fa le spese Beckham: fallo su Cambiasso e ammonizione. Ambrosini tocca col braccio Maicon: non visto. Al 10’ gol di Milito che scatta in posizione regolare sul lancio di Pandev poi la palla viene toccata di testa da Abate che la serve all’interista. Punizione di Ambrosini, braccio di Muntari in barriera all’altezza del fianco, ma è aderente. Al 23’ richiamo a Muntari: calcio alla tibia di Abate. 24’: Rocchi cerca di far velo, ma si mette tra lancio e Sneijder che si lamenta (braccio a dire va...) perché non riesce a giocare la palla: poco prima era successo con Ronaldinho. 26’: giallo a Lucio che per Rocchi simula, ma Ambrosini lo tocca col ginocchio. Sneijder (ricordate la protesta di un attimo fa?) lo applaude, gli dice bravo: rosso. Al di là dei tecnicismi regolamentari, l’arbitro non è un notaio e qui poteva limitarsi al giallo. 28’, ammonito Favalli: duro su Milito. Al 31’ Ronaldinho da dietro ruba la palla a Maicon che tocca col braccio dopo un piccolo rimbalzo sul petto: gioco di prestigio del milanista, per questo Rocchi pensa all’involontarietà, ma qualche dubbio resta perché il braccio è largo. 38’: Muntari dritto su Gattuso: giallo, ma anche qui c’è la protesta e l’arbitro lascia correre. Perché prima tanto inflessibile? Punizione di Pirlo, Maicon devìa un po’ col braccio largo: rischio. Espulso il collaboratore di Mourinho per aver detto qualcosa al quarto uomo Romeo. 42’, abbraccio di Abate a Pandev che cade: il rigore potrebbe starci. Ripresa: tiro di Ronaldinho, deviazione di Samuel: corner non dato. 17’: Milito a Pandev, in linea: palo. 19’: Favalli si ritrae perché è già ammopnito ma tocca Maicon col piede di richiamo: Mourinho aspetta a chiamare fuori Pandev per fargli tirare la punizione: 2-0. 24’: Thiago Silva su Thiago Motta, punizione, il milanista se la prende con un compagno, l’arbitro pensa a proteste e ammonisce. 45’: tiro da due passi di Huntelaar, Lucio si accartoccia, si ripara col braccio, tocca e Rocchi dà rigore con giallo che diventa rosso perché è il secondo. A noi pare involontario. Serataccia.

Raul Duke

Dec 19, 2008
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Special request to IF for translation of this piece:

My client IF will now be demanding $40 per 100 words translated. If "Forza Inter Forums" is not willing to meet his demands, my client may consider a move in the Summer. AC Milan, Roma & Palermo forums have already shown great interest in him.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jul 24, 2006
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Mino Raiola, is that you ?!

Alex de Large

La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Mar 12, 2005
10 years of FIF
Jose is the perfect coach, we should not fire him until 2020, then he can go to Portugal NT.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jul 24, 2006
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Black & Blue
10 years of FIF

ps. Ofcourse everybody appriciates the great job IF is doing with all his translations. :star:
pps. Him getting a best newcomer oscar is no coincidence.


Somebody stop me!
La Grande Inter
Oct 1, 2006
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Nine-man Inter take derby spoils
By John Sinnott

Inter Milan moved nine points clear at the top of Serie A after beating second place AC Milan 2-0 in a gripping derby.

Inter had to play most of the game with 10 men after Wesley Sneijder's red-card and the last five minutes with nine.

By the time Sneijder had been sent off Inter were already ahead thanks to an incisive finish by Diego Milito.

Goran Pandev floated home a free-kick to make it 2-0 and in stoppage time Lucio was sent off, but Julio Cesar saved Ronaldinho's resulting penalty.

This was David Beckham's first league defeat since his second loan spell with Milan began and the England international had a largely forgettable match.

The game was watched by Manchester United Sir Alex Ferguson, whose side face Milan in the Champions League next month, and he will have taken note of the way Inter almost blew Milan away prior to Sneijder's dismissal.

True, Milan were without central defender Alessandro Nesta, who had failed to recover from a leg muscle injury, and his reassuring presence was sorely missed as Inter poured forward in numbers during an electric opening.

Sneijder's dipping shot gave goalkeeper Dida a fright in the third minute and the Brazilian goalkeeper did well to clear a second shot from the Dutchman with his feet.

Sneijeder should have put the Serie A leaders ahead soon afterwards when the ball deflected into his path but his shot was straight at Dida who cleared with his feet.

But there was nothing he could do to stop Inter's opener when Milito chased down Ignazio Abate's weak header and fired a shot across the Brazilian and into the net.

With the exception of Ronaldinho, Milan were impotent and Beckham's primary contribution in the first half was to pick up the game's first yellow card for a late challenge on Esteban Cambiasso.

The game's second booking - shown to Lucio for a dive - bizarrely led to Sneijder's dismissal.

Beckham and Ronaldinho never managed to inspire Milan
Moments before the Dutchman had been angered when referee Gianluca Rocchi accidentally got in his way ensuring Sneijder lost possession.

He was still fuming when Lucio was booked and picked a straight red card for angrily remonstrating with Rocchi as well as sarcastically clapping the referee.

A disbelieving Sneijder, who had been the focus of Inter's dynamic start, had to be accompanied off the pitch by some of his team-mates, while a grim-faced Inter coach Jose Mourinho prowled the touchline.

Never one to shy away from confrontation with officialdom, the Portuguese was quick to have his say to the referee when Rocchi blew for half-time.

Mourinho's Milan counterpart Milan coach Leonardo introduced Clarence Seedorf at the start of the second half and it was the Dutchman who forced Cesar to make his first save of the game following a corner.

Ronaldinho, who was Milan's most impressive player, then went close with a shot as Inter started to come under sustained pressure.

Beckham also began to come into the game and Marco Borriello should have done better with a header from a cross whipped in by the England international.

Just as it seemed that Milan were about to get back into the game, Pandev provided the cushion of a second goal.

Just beforehand, the Macedonian's clever run had enabled him to beat the offside trap and he was desperately unlucky as his chip came back off the post.

But when he stepped up to take a free-kick Pandev's judgement and delivery was close to perfection as he flighted the ball over the Milan wall and into the net.

There was one final twist to this absorbing encounter when Lucio was red-carded for handball, but the Inter defender was rescued by his Brazilian international team-mate Cesar who superbly turned away Ronaldinho's penalty.

The win ensured that Mourinho's remarkable eight-year unbeaten home run - with Porto, Chelsea and Inter -remains intact.

If Ferguson will have been unduly concerned by the threat Milan will pose United, Inter provided plenty of evidence that they could trouble Chelsea in the Champions League in February.


On the basis of the Milan derby, Chelsea will have a hard game against Inter but Man Utd will muller Milan


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Oct 12, 2006
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Stefan de Vrij
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Here you go Luka I tried to translate as well as I could:

A minute passes and Ronaldino does a late tackle on Lucio: Rocchi only gives him a verbal talking to, but it was a yellow. In the third minute he redeems himself with Beckham: foul on Cambiasso and a booking. Ambrosini touches Maicon's arm: not seen. At 10 minutes Milito scores who leaves in an onside position and the ball gets touched by the head of Abate who serves Milito. Ambrosini's freekick, Muntari's arm at the height of his side but it was adherent. At 23 minutes Muntari is called back: foul on Abate. 24th Minute Rocchi gets in Sneijder's way and Sneijder protests (with hand gesture of go fu...) because he didn't let him play the ball, a bit earlier the same thing happened to Ronaldinho. 26th minute yellow card for Lucio who for Rocchi simulated, but the was contact with Ambrosini. Sneijder (do you remember his protests earlier?) applauds Rocchi, and said bravo: red card. Beyond the usual technical rules, the referee could have just limited it to a yellow. 28 minutes, Favalli is booked, hard challenge on Milito. 31st Minute Ronaldinho from behind steals the ball from Maicon who touches the ball with his hand after it touched his chest: great play from the Milanista, but Rocchi here thinks involuntary, but some doubts remains because the hand was out wide. 38 minutes Muntari goes in on Gattuso: yellow, but even here there's protests and the referee let's play go on. Why was he so inflexible at first? Freekick by Pirlo, it deviates a bit off Maicon's outstretched arm: risky. Sent off Mourinho's collaborator for saying something to the fourth official Romeo. 42 minute, contact between Abate and Pandev who falls: the penalty could have been given. Second half: shot by Ronaldhino, deviated by Samuel: corner not given. 17: Milito to Pandev, onside. 19th Favalli fouls Maicon with his other leg (meaning not the leg he went into the tackle with), Mourinho was expecting to substitute Pandev but kept him on to let him take the freekick. 2-0 24th: Silva on Motta, freekick, the milanista argues with a team mate, the referee thinks its protests and books him. 45th minute Huntelaar from two paces away from the goal shoots, Lucio gets in the way and it touches his hand, Rocchi gives the yellow which becomes red. For us it was involuntary, terrible night.

Well I don't think I did such a good job but I think I got most of the stuff right and plus I did it for free, I think I should get an agent. :p


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jul 24, 2006
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Black & Blue
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Mino Raiola is waiting. Just let him do his constant bitching, and a dream job at Barca forums is waiting.


Great job Toninu, thank you!

Gazzetta finaly did their job. I guess better late then never.

"For us it was involuntary, terrible night."


Paolilo's interview from today, who is SOOOOOOO right:

MILAN - Inter managing director Ernesto Paolillo was interviewed this morning on Italian radio programme Radio Anch'io Sport. He said: "Last night's derby was exciting. It was fantastic, not only for the result but also for the atmosphere in which it took place, especially our players' desire to win against all the odds. But it was clearly evident that something strange is happening.

"The referee Rocchi probably let the match get out of his hands. Let's start from the first episode: Ronaldinho should have been booked (for a foul from behind on Lucio in the opening seconds). I don't think there's a rule that says the referee should turn a blind eye at the first foul. And then there was the episode which led to the dismissal of Sneijder. I'm not complaining about the red card for our player, but Lucio didn't dive and he shouldn't have been booked. That yellow card led to his sending-off in the final stages. This is what has deeply irritated us.

"Also, I think we all saw on television the animosity with which Borriello spoke to the referee after a move, and the referee did absolutely nothing. So an applause counted, but the words spoken by Borriello didn't? This is unfair and absurd.

"I don't think there's a conspiracy to reopen the championship. I'm angry about the refereeing errors, but angrier still for what happened at the Lega Calcio with the changing of dates of matches. There's a lack of respect.

"I lead a company in which there are professional players who train very hard every week; we have a coach, Mourinho, who works like few others do and we work marvellously well with him; a youth academy in which we teach that you win in sport with loyalty, attention, coordination and concentration. I have to show these players that we protect them, otherwise I would lose their respect. For the good of Italian football, it's good to talk about it when there are some strange situations and too many episodes."
Last edited:


Sep 2, 2009
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Javier Zanetti
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On the basis of the Milan derby, Chelsea will have a hard game against Inter but Man Utd will muller Milan
Yeah, but we gotta remember that playing in a derby match is a lot different than a match in CL. Emotions, inspiration, it`s all mixed up. But, i believe in my guys more than ever now! They can do it, Chelsea here we come, prepare yourself!

Raul Duke

Dec 19, 2008
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Great stuff Toninu


Mar 6, 2004
In case someone is interested here is what Gianluca Rossi had to write about the Derby. Unfortunately I do not read Italaian so hopefully someone can help me out here.

I liked his video of the Inter - Siena game too he is funny!


Ancora legge nerazzurra sul derby della Madonnina, con l'Inter che ha fatto sua anche la stracittadina di ritorno con la metà dei gol di quella d'andata. Partita questa ancora più goduriosa di quella d'agosto, perché irta di difficoltà. Fidatevi di chi si occupa di derby dal 1986! Stavolta l'Inter è stata più forte anche del destino e ha ricacciato il Milan ad un virtuale -9, in attesa del recupero con la Fiorentina, spero prima di Pasqua. Forte di una propaganda martellante, il Milan si presentava come la squadra del bel gioco, addirittura dell'amore, ma ha trovato l'Inter, ovvero la squadra del sesso, visti gli orgasmi a ripetizione per i suoi tifosi.
I nostri avversari avevano detto che stavolta ci avrebbero battuti, avevano detto che stavolta ci avrebbero ridimensionati, avevano detto che, comunque, ci avrebbero fatto male. Avevano detto. Noi invece abbiamo giocato e abbiamo stravinto. E come disse Enea al figlioletto Iulo, anche stavolta...lascio a voi il completamento della rima di questo vecchio adagio. Dicevo che abbiamo giocato in parità numerica solo mezz'ora, il resto in inferiorità numerica, senza il migliore, Sneijder, punito con l'espulsione per un insistito applauso all'arbitro Rocchi, forse leggerissimamente condizionato dalla voglia dei rivali di riformare al più presto il monotono Albo d'Oro del campionato.
A termini di regolamento il rosso a Snejider sarà pure giusto, ma resta il dubbio che si sia trattato di una vendetta dell'arbitro Rocchi per gli insulti ricevuti un minuto prima, quando si era scontrato in modo del tutto involontario com l'olandese, che deve comunque darsi una calmata. Forse un cartellino giallo aggiunto ad un sonoro cazziatone non avrebbe scandalizzato nessuno e non avrebbe invece alterato così prematuramente le forze in campo. L'Inter ha poi finito addirittura in nove, per l'espulsione di Lucio, che s'è beccato due cartellini senza meritarne nemmeno uno. Mai vista una simulazione a metà campo. Ma va bene così, anzi forse è andata pure meglio al Milan, visto che 11 contro 11 sembrava non esserci proprio partita. Nerazzurri in vantaggio dopo nemmeno dieci minuti grazie al solito ineguagliabile Milito che, imbeccato da Pandev e favorito da un imperfetto disimpegno di Abate, ha trafitto in diagonale Dida. Inter padrona della gara, a dispetto di qualche decisione arbitrale bizzarra, dalla mancata ammonizione di Ronaldinho al primo minuto di gioco per un fallaccio su Lucio a tutto il resto, venuto di conseguenza. Già perché nella ripresa l'Inter si è messa in trincea per respingere l'assalto, affidandosi solo al contropiede, bellissimo quello tra Milito e Pandev con conclusione del macedone sul palo, poco prima del 20° della ripresa, quando proprio Pandev ha calato il sipario sul derby con una punizione non irresistibile che Dida, uno di noi, ha guardato infilarsi alla sua sinistra con l'imperturbabilità di un bel gattone appollaiato sul calorifero. Perplessità di parte sulla punizione da cui ha avuto origine il colpo del KO del macedone, ma alla moviola l'ex Favalli il piede trascinato di Maicon lo tocca eccome! A mio giudizio non c'era nemmeno un rigore in questa partita, nè per il tocco di mano da distanza troppo ravvicinata di Maicon, che neppure guarda il pallone sulla rovesciata di Ronaldinho, nè per l'abbraccio morbido di Favalli a Pandev in area rossonera, nè tantomeno quello concesso al Milan nel recupero su una girata di Huntelaar sul gomito di Lucio in torsione. Ma ò'involotarietà ormai è un'opinione e Julio Cesar ha pure parato il rigore a Ronaldinho, ennesimo orgasmo! Intanto Mourinho già da cinque minuti dirigeva l'orchestra dell'inebriante e inebriato tifo nerazzurro. Grande Mourinho, perché stavolta non ha proprio sbagliato nulla, dando un'autentica lezione tattica ai depositari unici del bel calcio. La verità è che il Milan, al primo serio ostacolo, si è sciolto: Ronaldinho ha vivacchiato sulla fascia, Beckham è rientrato a Los Angeles e Borriello si è visto meno del subentrato Huntelaar. Facile fare la voce grossa con Genoa, Siena e la Juventus di questi tempi, difficile riuscirci con l'Inter che, al quarto derby stagionale tra campionato e amichevoli, ha vinto 9-0, 6-0 nei due di campionato. Altre tabelle-aggancio però ci attendono, altri proclami, altre amenità in baba al comune senso del ridicolo e altri avversari, vista la Roma in salute e in salita, forse prossima anti-Inter. In ogni caso, che emozioni! Complimenti a tutti, da Santon, che ha finalmente giocato una gara matura, a Muntari che, pur ammonito, ha rischiato grosso solo una volta su Gattuso, ma l'arbitro Rocchi stava già cercando di compensare l'espulsione di Sneijder. Alla fine, meglio così: vuoi mettere la gioia di battere la squadra-rivelazione del campionato prima in dieci e poi addirittura in nove? Il più bel derby di sempre, almeno per me! Che figaaaata, come dicono i sedicenni quando la tipa gli regala l'ultimo modello di iPod! Ma come cazzo parlo?! Scusate, c'ho sonno! Viva l'Inter!
A breve l'esultanza in GLR FILM: datemi il tempo di assemblarla!


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jul 24, 2006
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If someone didn't know who is Rossi, it is this dude :]




La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Oct 12, 2006
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Stefan de Vrij
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Haha if you hear them before the game they were saying Milan play the best football and tonight is going to be a memorable night... it was memorable for us :p


Dec 5, 2009
Favorite Player
I agree with what you say about the referee Luka.

It is one of the sweetest victories I have ever felt. This is a feeling no Bilan or Jube supporter will experience.. Winning against all odds , winning against a team aided by a ref.

Proud Interista !!


Somebody stop me!
La Grande Inter
Oct 1, 2006
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Javier Zanetti
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If someone didn't know who is Rossi, it is this dude :]



:lol: oh my God!! hilarious!!!! hahahaha :lol: :howler:


Mar 5, 2004
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Calcio Debate: Inter All But Secure Another Scudetto –
What We Learned From The Milan Derby

By Carlo Garganese

Calcio Debate: Inter All But Secure Another Scudetto –
What We Learned From Carlo Garganese articles

By Pravesh Pradhan

Where do I start?
-> Carlo Garganese is a bitch ass.
-> Carlo Garganese's team won't win the Serie title this season.
-> Carlo Garganese's team lost the Serie derby 6-0 in aggregate. (10-0 if the home and away goals' rule is to be used:))
-> Carlo Garganese's articles suck.
-> All of us hate Merda Milan.:lol:
-> etc



La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Feb 14, 2007
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If someone didn't know who is Rossi, it is this dude :]



You dont have to know italiano to laugh your ass out!

Unbelievable dude! First with the huge nerazzurro hand, then he had a cracking WW2 style press helmet then the glasses and the horn..Mamma mia!

This Milan dude was flushed for good..:thumbsup: