A little of your culture


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
10 years of FIF
Most Passionate Member
Fights? The only fight in this thread was about the origin of baklava :lol: Nobody will ever find out about that though :D


Feb 28, 2006
Favorite Player
last night at the football(rugby league)i had/ate a meat pie topped with tomato sauce:happy:

the humble meat pie plays a big part in general australian folklore,as all the aussies spend their money on alcohol and save just enough money for a humble pie,

many stories circulate regarding the contents of a meat pie ranging from kangaroo tails to native australian roadkill like wombats,koalas,wallabies,numbats etc

at most sporting events meat pies are served along woth sausage rolls and pasties,mainly influenced by the british i believe:p ,topped with a beer(it would be unaustralian if you didnt)

anyway,a little about my culture and the foods we aussies eat

maybe helal or lito can tell you about "vegemite" next time:|

Choppin Onions

La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Aug 16, 2004
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10 years of FIF
Eh, Canada's culture is pretty boring:

The Maritimes (East Coast) - Full of Irish immigrants that remain true to their forefathers by getting drunk as often as possible. Cities also smell like fish.

Quebec and Montreal - Full of French people, half of which are anti-Canadian. Also home to Italians and more Irish. Montreal is the 2nd gayest city in North America after San Francisco.

Ontario - Full of Torontonians which are the Canadian equivalent of New Yorkers.

The Prairies - Full of Scandinavian immigrants and farms. Nothing exciting here.

B.C (West Coast) - Full of Asians and hippies. The best thing to come out of B.C is the marijuana which about 90% of the population smokes. Much like Bordeaux wines, it's in a class of it's own.


Jun 19, 2007
Favorite Player
Zlatan, Arma Le
Eh, Canada's culture is pretty boring:

The Maritimes (East Coast) - Full of Irish immigrants that remain true to their forefathers by getting drunk as often as possible. Cities also smell like fish.

Quebec and Montreal - Full of French people, half of which are anti-Canadian. Also home to Italians and more Irish. Montreal is the 2nd gayest city in North America after San Francisco.

Ontario - Full of Torontonians which are the Canadian equivalent of New Yorkers.

The Prairies - Full of Scandinavian immigrants and farms. Nothing exciting here.

B.C (West Coast) - Full of Asians and hippies. The best thing to come out of B.C is the marijuana which about 90% of the population smokes. Much like Bordeaux wines, it's in a class of it's own.

lol @ Torontonians. So true. But they're still nice somehow.

I should go visit the prairies. mmm viking women.


Jun 19, 2007
Favorite Player
Zlatan, Arma Le
Like I stated earlier, there are alot of blonds here. More interesting question would be; why all the mediterranean guys get so horny when they see a blond girl. Beats me!


Although blondes are nice (so are redheads), I prefer brunettes. :) There goes your theory. :howler:

I will talk about cultures from Thailand

In Thailand, the new year is acutally in April and to celebrate the new year, Thai have a water festival. On that 3 days, you can splash water at anybody on the road and people cant get mad. This is the best part =)

Go to the beach and get some girls wet ^^


what if they dont want to get wet?

Trust me, it drove me up the wall when I went there, though fun if you do want to celebrate. They throw this coloured powder on you as well.


Feb 7, 2006
Favorite Player
JZ, REcoba, Cam
A lil bit bout somali culture.
"It is in the art of oral poetry and song that Somalis excel. Whether
used as a challenge, a courting technique, or political rhetoric, poetry
and song remain a vital part of Somali culture, enhanced rather than diminished by radio broadcasting. Poetry recitations are often accompanied by the chewing of qat (qat to somalians is like beer to canadians or germans) , a mild stimulant, which many Somalis
believe helps one to think and talk better(actually does the opposite). One indication of the slowly changing public role of Somali women is their increasing use of poetry as a means of public expression. Somali has a rich tradition of proverbs, passed on from previous generations and embellished by individual speakers. Proverbs play a very important role in everyday speech."

An oral culture, in other words, there isnt any "historic texts" or "cave drawings". But an elder can go on for months (literally) telling you about the past n history.

The language: Somali is the first language originated in its country and spoken by the whole country in africa (e.g., older languages are only spoken by certain tribes, or the language originates in another country, like arabic in egypt). 100 years ago, you cudnt write somali, there was no words. of course, we cudnt stay illiterate for long so we made one using latin letters (they were supposed to be arabic letters) read more here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somali_language

Proverbs: here are some somali proverbs:

A camel can tolerate a heavy load, but not a crooked rope.
You don't go searching for bones in a lion's den.
Every camel was once upon time two years old.
A dog which refuses a bone is not alive.
When a man sleeps, it is the same person when he wakes up.
A cat in her house has the teeth of a lion.

and my favorite
The bridge is repaired only after someone falls in the water.


Feb 7, 2006
Favorite Player
JZ, REcoba, Cam
B.C (West Coast) - Full of Asians and hippies. The best thing to come out of B.C is the marijuana which about 90% of the population smokes. Much like Bordeaux wines, it's in a class of it's own.

umm, where can one find this product?


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
10 years of FIF
Most Passionate Member
"A dog which refuses a bone is not alive."

Ahahahahahahahahaha :lol: That's a good one :D:D:D


Feb 10, 2006
Favorite Player
Wonder if I can
You're from Slovakia if:
1) You correct teachers when they say Slovakia is located in Eastern Europe
2) You need to repeat your name at least twice when introducing yourself
3) You know that metric system is the shit
4) You know that the tallest player in NHL has the same passport as you do
5) You speak at least two languages that you never needed to learn (god bless the czech)
6) You know that Hostel and Eurotrip do not reflect wtf Slovakia is about
7) In your homeland, you do not run away from the cops...You chase them...Oh yeah and Absinth is not illegal over there...
8) When drinking with Americans, you're always the one to finish the keg...cuz everybody around is already passed out...
9) You have at least once in your life drank the "Chucho" wine
10) You do not have a middle name
11) No, you really can't see your family during the Thanksgiving
12) You take Kofola over Coke, Zlaty Bazant over Budlight, Slivovica over Captain Morgan, movie by Jakubisko over movie by Tarantino and Spisske Halusky over McDonald's
13) You know that Janosik could kick Superman's ass even if he was on a damn wheelchair


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
10 years of FIF
Most Passionate Member
That's from facebook :D

You Know You Are In Cyprus When:

1. A mercedes is not a car, it's a Taxi.

2. Talking sounds just like arguing.

3. You walk around in jumpers when it’s like 25C....

4....but put your airconditioning to 15C and still find it hot.

5. Going to buy a newspaper needs at least a 10 minute make-up.

6. Not smoking is considered 'weird'.

7. Not eating meat is unthinkable.

8. You take a generator when camping (to supply your fridge, micro, TV!).

9. All men over 30 look 50.

10. You text message people sitting at the same table with you.

11. You text message whilst lifting weights.

12. Police park on the pavement..to book you for a parking offence.

13. It's truly a task telling the difference between a pimp and undercoverpolice.

14. The translation of 'thank you' is......... "thank you".

15. The translation of 'sorry' is......."sorry".

16. The first thing a police officer asks you is "what does your dad do?".

17. The messenger/clerk of a Ministry can get you a job!

18. Your next door neighbour cooks "souvla" all 52 Sundays of the year.

19. The pick-up truck in front of you has charcoal fuming at the back..getting it ready for the time it reaches the beach!

20. You call everyone "koumbare"('best man')...and they probably are...

- The main topic of conversation is still the one and only.....yep, 'the Anan plan'.

- You go to the wine festival every year and it gets shittier every year!!!

- You recite the orphanides slogan(supermarket) TOSO FTINA OSO POUTHENA(cheaper than anywhere else:D) more often and more passionately than the national anthem.

- Your local hairdresser asks , 'what do you think about the Anan plan? and then starts talking cypriot politics, and you have to agree, or she chops all ur hair off (we learnt the hard way...)

- everyone has a mitsubishi jeep thing, or a car with leather seats so u burn when u sit down in summer!!!!!!!!!!! and if not then the beaded seats as george sed!!

- if youre a girl and ure fat...youre just fat! if you're a boy...youre strong!

- you sometimes get woken up at like 5am by the military training, or your having a picnic in troodos and have to either move coz the army come, or drive back again coz theyre there.

- everyone does gocarting, but calls it 'gkokart'

- everyone goes to lunapark, ur local funfair

- everyone needs airconditioning to survive, but calls it 'airkondishon'

- theyve been saying they will refurbish the airports for about a decade

- men play pilotta(card game), women gossip and compare clothing etc

-you see random underaged boys...sometimes around 8 yrs old joyriding massive trucks down motorways...and its normal.

- boys are ADDICTED to computers, computer games, dvds cars and anything to do with technology, but on a COMPLETELY different level to international general boys!

- even if youve got a computer at home, everyone goes to the net cafes to pay and use a computer as a form of socialising and to hang

- people eat all 24hrs of the day

- people go to the beach at night

- your cheek still burns from when relatives pinch it with all their might

- you receive pointless comments from relatives such as 'you've grown so much!', 'you have become a nice woman', 'who is this woman?' (pretending they dont recognise you) etc etc .... oh unless your a boy :p:p

- you have to answer annoying questions asked by relatives such as "how's shool?"

- you either complain your too full up or really hungry

- when you are stupid enough to sit within 2 metre radius of ur grandma/aunt eating papoutsosika, and receive a drool shower.

-you llive by ''greek time;;, whereby you plus three hours onto the time in question. eg. the festival will start at 6= the festival will start at 9

- your cabinets are filled with crystals you never use!

- you have a 'show room' with ornaments etc in, that no one ever goes in

- when everyone complains about whos gonna represent them in the eurovision song contest, but when it comes down it, everyone knows all the words and cheers like crazy when they perform!!!!!!!!!!!!! just like they were RIGHT behind them ALLLL the time!!

- you're bored so play either kogka(cards), pilotta(cards), tavli(backgammon), football, or volley to relieve the pain

- when u travel there with cyprus airways and its like part of the deal to have a delay for 50 hours with'air condition' on full blast freezing in the airport with a shabby blanket for survival....crooks.

-you know ur in cyprus when you have a pet,most usually a bird, and your uncles say "it'd be nice on a stew' 'we will cook it' ( part of light cypriot ''humour'' )...and you start crying!

- cats are to cypriots what pidgeons are to londoners: vermin~

- water mellon is almost always served with halloumi and bread

- the old men of the village gather at the local café every day to watch soccer and play tavli

-pretty much every single teenage boy over the age of 15 owns a "motora"(motorbike)

- text messages are equivalent to msn

- at 9 oclock, any time of year, you can find your entire class at the hottest café in town

- everybody knows how to play konga (the card game)

- when you’re talking to someone, you never call them by their name, you either say “re” (for boys) or “kori” (for girls)

-everyone orders souvlaki with sheftalies (of course)

-Everyone owns a pervoli(garden with trees etc) and you all fight about who's going to own it when you're parents die

-Your "chilling" spot is at the local cafe

-you're papous chilling spot is at the local coffee shop

-you shop at orphanides in limassol

-you get confused in a round-a-bout (traffic circle)

-you drink CHINO'S!!! and know that they're wayyy better than iced caps

-you can "Buy your maid" preferably a Filipino

-Mostly all of the greek boys have ponytails, wear tight clothes and drive SEXY ASS CARS!!

-you cook food for a whole army when you have guest's over

-your papou(grandfather) still goes bird or rabbit shooting with his dog

-your yiayia(grandmother) has a picture of Makarios(archebishop and first president of the Republic:p) on the wall

-you've gone clubbing in paphos, lefkosia, Agia Napa & limassol!

-greek singers attempt to sing in English and fail miserably

-you have a relative in every Village

-you've been on the beach and never wanted to leave....ever

- the church bell wakes up the whole village at 7 in the morning...........either that or the man selling water melons at 5 in the morning with his truck and big ass microphone

- you've seen the commercial "CHRIS CASH AND CARRY"(supermarket) so many times you've memorized it

- your yiayia owns the hens, that make the eggs, that complete your watermelon and halloumi breakfast

- whenever you go to a panagiri (local festival) (which is like every weekend) you can't leave without shoushouko and loukoumades(delicacies:D)

- everyone has a "parachukli" (nickname) like if ur name is dimitri they call u mitso

- they call mcdonalds MACDONALDS.. and get mad if u try to correct them

- you see all of your relatives and realize ur the whitest person there

- you cant sleep when there is a wedding in the village because u can hear the music alll night long

- when someone dies, the village is informed because the church bell rings and everyone does their cross

- you NEVER speak english to a taxi driver or show him that you aren't a cypriot because he WILL rip you off!!

- when ur at the beach u usually have to run as fast as u can into the water because the sand is so DAMN HOT!

- your papou still wears his army clothes and hardcore boots

- grafitti is usually writing of soccer teams like OMONIA and APOEL (or oxi/nai(no/yes)....about the anan plan that is)

- they dont really buy their cats or dogs, their papous just sort of find them

- ur sitting down trying to enjoy your glass of coffee when an old "magissa"(witch) comes up to u and asks to tell ur fortune or sell you things and ur grandma tells u never to be mean to them

-when someone close to you dies, you wear black for a whole year or more

-the very old grandmothers wear a black dress with a black thing on their head!!!

-a sandwich with a milkshake is pronounced "SANGWICH ME SHOCOLAYTE MIKSHAKE"

-every cereal is reffered to as "corn flakes" and every show in the morning is reffered to as "mickey mouse"

-you make a "bazzari" at every store and after a while of arguing, you probobly got what you wanted for cheaper!

-you've seen, touched, taken a picture with or fed a goat

-you're parents tell you NEVER to go swimming after eating

- the local bus actually picks u up from your doorstep and is mostly filled with old men....

- a concert usually consists of "Neolea"(youth) stepping all over eachother and jumping up and down

- almost every boy owns a Che Guevara t-shirt, poster or hat(pro or against:))

- you see unlisenced boys driving around aimlessly on motores

- the highway going to Paphos is most famously known for it's road tunnel inbetween the rocks

- Lefkara is known for it's SILVER/GOLD (ballllin!)... and once u go, the old ladies harrass u to buy something from them instead of the other stores.. literally

- the taxi drivers are less vicious

- pizza hut is looked on as a delicacy.... really, who would want pizza in Cyprus, when you can have sheftalies!

- cyp.guys always show off their soccer skills

- everyone knows everyone's business

& you can tell who a person is by looking at their car

- waking up at 6 in the morning is normal

- you eat CHOCO'S for breakfast

- "snacks" consist of 7 days croissants ♥ and chips/crisps

- you get hit on by random creepy Sri Lankan's that just "hang around" in Lefkosia

- you're freezing your ass off in the winter because you don't own a powerful heater... only a personal one

- You go to the gym 2 months before the summer comes and the rest of the year you eat until all the food on the table runs out

-Immigration checks consist of "who is your dad and what does he do"

- The drivers aim at the pedestrians when they try to cross the, seemly empty at the time, road.

- People or relatives think you should get fatter if you are the normal weight for your height!

-Kompoloi(a small thing that you play with your hands) is an addiction almost as bad as smoking.

-there are not 1, not 2 but THREE entire waterparks!

- when all the guys in their cars drive up and down the main street in limassol all day long an then jus part in front of that big building, i think it's the town hall or something..

- when the boys whistle out of their car if u just so happen to be walking down the bloody seaside road alone

- There is Competition to see who has the biggest pillars outside the front door of their house

- everyone has illegal copies of all computer programs installed on their computer

- u also know that ur in cyprus when dressing like a homosexual is necessary to get into a "good" club

- traffic lights are a suggestion not a rule

- weddings are so big the guests have to come in shifts

- there is a church, chapel, monastery etc every 100 metres

- there is a political party for every 4 people on the island

- you have to get an exit visa or else you're in the army for 2 years

- when you walk past starbucks on saturday morning and see your friends. 4 hours later, after shopping, your friends are still sitting there.

Your tennis teacher pronounces backhand, forehand and smash as, Baa-han, for-han and zmas.

- when it is time to pick up balls in a tennis lesson, that there is always time for a quick game of pillota.

- when it takes an extra 15 mins to get to school just cause it started to rain.

- when every guy has in his pocket a deck of cards consisting of cards from 7-A.

- when guys wear skate shoes and don't even know how to use a skateboard.

- when 10 year old kids have a mobile phone :p

- when theres nothing 2 do at 3pm cos evry1 is asleep!

- when all the ppl that work in mcdonalds speak bettr english than ppl in mc d's in england

- you add yogurt to anything and everything.

- you've sat at caprise or dacapo for hours on end drinking frappes and smoking packs of cigarettes.

- you know that no one takes the bus, only maids.

- it's cheaper to hire a maid than to make a long distance phone call.

- there are only like 2 good radio stations...89.0 anyone?

- you've been to zoo, versus, cilo/capital, scorpios, agora, vivendi

- you can't take a hot shower for more than 30 min.

- it's "illegal" to wash your car because of the water shortage.

- you have to drive or walk down 5 extra blocks to get drinking water to fill in huge green jugs.

- your bus that took you to school would pick you up in front of your house...and even wait for you to come out. we don't have "bus stops."

- you know someone that has a mini.

- makarios is the only street worth knowing and visiting and everytime you go there you bump into at least 20 ppl you know...be it friends or relatives.

- you've been drinking redbull since 2001..

- You fight over who's going to pay the bill - but in reality you hate to pay.

- when ages 5-75 have cell phones. You can always tell who is Cypriot whenever you go somewhere, especially at the beach, because Cypriots are always sending text msgs from there cell while everyone else is reading a book :lol:

- everyone aspires to go to school in england to become a
"charterrrcountan" (charter accountant)

- everyone you know is addicted to non-greek food with "frescream" (fresh cream).

- even your 4-year old cousin can make a frappe by himself and drinks at least one a day

- ANY time you tell your relatives about a place "sto exoteriko" the response is "hm, eshei pollous ellines jame?"

- and any blondamerican friend you bring to visit "looks like britney spears"
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Jun 24, 2005
Favorite Player
****ing hell....i was showing some interest there yuko, but thats a bit too much


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
10 years of FIF
Most Passionate Member
Cyprus has too much information for someone to know :D


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Sep 13, 2006
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# 3
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Yuko, thats too long a post to read.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
10 years of FIF
Most Passionate Member
Read a few lines every 2 hours or something :p


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
10 years of FIF
Most Passionate Member
Yup. I make the rules here :D


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
10 years of FIF
Most Passionate Member
What exactly is an ethnic Canadian? :confused: