I need one last attempt at reflecting and grasping the magnitude and audacity of Marotta's gamble (or his heresy, from a certain point of view), so I can stomach Antonio Conte as the new Inter coach. I'll push it to the extreme limits, make it or break it:
“Well, there could be worse things than hiring Conte as our coach. For example, hiring Moggi as general director.
Wait, that's what Moratti was tempted to do in his naivety back in the day, after meeting Moggi and using him as consultant for quite a while during Lucky Luciano's time at Juventus (from reliable sources), but it didn't happen in the end. And then Calciopoli happened, thankfully.”
Moggi's soul was killed (quoting his hilarious words), but hopefully our new coach still has one.
It's too soon to tell, despite that first shot of his eyes from the nice presentation video, but let's be optimistic.
I wish Andonio Gonde the best in his complicated "path of redemption", that goes by itself.
And the biggest “Forza Inter” to legitimate this message.