My biggest gripe with the team is that it’s so incredibly frail, we have a good enough team, sure we could use some useful and better attacking subs and a more creative or at least more dangerous midfielder… We could certainly also use a coach with more tactical dept then a piece of paper and an actual plan B and one that was not so incredibly stubborn in how to approach things. Conte would fucking win the scudetto with this team, I have absolutely zero doubt about it because we would have that grinta we lack even when things don’t work. Yes Inzaghi ball is far funnier to watch when things work, but there just too much rollercoaster in our performance that it’s hard believing we can win anything, too inconsistent, too unpredictable. We go from playing like we can beat even City to playing like we are a relegation team, even in one game we can be so incredibly different in our performance, it’s freaking marvellous and a study worth on it’s own.
The difference right now are Martinez, without him in this form things would have been very, very different. Lucky for us he save our ass once more.