Mentally broken do you even know what that mean?How is it the coach's fault if management calls a player up to sign a new deal only to tell him that instead they're going to sell him? What can a coach do with a mentally broken person? A freaking psychologist cannot deal with that, let alone a football coach...
De Vrij was not himself for years.
I worked with mentally unstable and challenged individuals… so sorry there no one here that is broken… if he was broken he would not play, certainly not at this level and he certainly wouldn’t bounce back so fast, that I can guarantee you.
Sorry, but this is a laughable comparison. How do you even compare a solo athlete environment with a football player? Almost every solo athlete is mentally broken at some point and it's up to them to recover, there's nothing someone does with sweet talking that gets you to bounce back.
Cycling today is as much a team effort/sport as it’s an individual sports… the sport massively changes the last 10 years. Many teams have tremendous focus on groups, groups dynamics etc and get them
To perform as a unity and to sacrifice for each others, the individual views that I see many look through has long been replaced years ago.
No he just figured out how to use him correctly.I wanna see if you're going to think that Inzaghi improved something this year and he got De Vrij to perform really well. Did he complete a Coursera certificate on people management or something?
There was never anything wrong with him mentally or else he would not have returned the way he did.
No one magically recover themselves mentally, if that was indeed the problem. So Im sorry I simply don’t buy that hypothesis.
I also don’t buy the contract negotiations hypothesis.
They been rather trash for some time… hardly surprising he didn’t exactly performYou'd be getting somewhere if De Vrij was doing things with the national team during this time, but he was even worse over there...