Well are you sure those are genuine tickets? Like according to the statment we put out the second phase of selling has barely begun... Kind of hard to imagine that of the people who got access first and who probably could buy like 2 extra tickets 1000s put theirs up for sale.....It's become a bit of a mess. There are hundreds of tickets for sale on reselling sites at prices ranging from 500 - 5000. A joke. Those tickets should be null and void and resold by the club.
Why not? If you have 2 season tickets for you and your son or father(for example) and you both got a ticket and can sell 4 tickets for 1000 euro per ticket there are a lot of greedy people out there.Well are you sure those are genuine tickets? Like according to the statment we put out the second phase of selling has barely begun... Kind of hard to imagine that of the people who got access first and who probably could buy like 2 extra tickets 1000s put theirs up for sale.....
ahh he wrote 100s somehow i read that as thousand which would have been hard to grasp...Why not? If you have 2 season tickets for you and your son or father(for example) and you both got a ticket and can sell 4 tickets for 1000 euro per ticket there are a lot of greedy people out there.
The name can be changed on inters website.Honestly it was not fair to give the chance to season ticket holders for 2 additional tickets. 1 i can even understand but two is fucking unfair.
Rumors say that it was the pressure from curva nord to grant this but you never know as more often than not people try blame curva for everything
As for the resellers not really sure how it works. I am pretty sure that when you buy the ticket 1st hand it has your name on top of it . Do these resellers manage to change that somehow or smth ? I can't imagine how smn can spend 1000 euros on a ticket with somebody elses name on it and risk not getting in the stadium if checked
They must have heard you reports out that inter stopped this as of today for the euro derby....The name can be changed on inters website.
And yes, giving season ticket holders the chance for two extra tickets is stupid.
Interesting! I wonder what happens now. Do they have to return the tickets.They must have heard you reports out that inter stopped this as of today for the euro derby....
In case of violation tickets might be voided....
I guess therr were really a lot of asshole season ticket holders who did this...
Anyways good news for anybody still hoping to get a ticket
The club made a balls of it with the extra tickets for season tickets holders. Should have been 1+1. In Ireland in the gaa, of you have a season ticket you get one ticket. No issue with that either.It is an injustice. As a foreign european Citizen, i cannot be present At such an event Even If i allowed to pay extra for a ticket. These Days i was about to buy from that website, but now, i don’t know a method.
Nahh it s from now onwards.. as i understand it so if you already bought you should be fine...Interesting! I wonder what happens now. Do they have to return the tickets.
I seen some Italian medie rightly raise the point that inters home game coukd have lots of milan fans at it, so maybe why they stepped in.
Do you have siamonoi card? Apparently there won't even be a general saleApparently there has been a lot of confusion, server crashes, queueing and failures of buying several tickets for the season ticket holders (based on interfans.org forum) so maybe there is a chance to get tickets after that phase and hopefully after club member phase too.
Unfortunately no.Do you have siamonoi card? Apparently there won't even be a general sale
Solo nel caso di disponibilità residua, dalle ore 14.30 di martedì 9 maggio sarà il turno dei titolari di tessera SiamoNoi, sottoscritta entro martedì 18 aprile. Potranno acquistare fino a 2 biglietti per transazione, fino ad esaurimento dei posti disponibili, purchè tutti gli utilizzatori risultino titolari Siamo Noi. I biglietti non potranno essere ceduti a terzi (no cambio del nominativo).