Romelu Lukaku

Would you buy Lukaku this summer?

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La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jun 7, 2010
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Lukaku states that he is professional while being totally unprofessional the whole interview. For me Lukaku is done the second he left for us in a critical time despite getting nice sum.


Jul 3, 2018
Favorite Player
I’d take him back on a cheeky tenner :lol:

He’d play well in this system too but I don’t like the sort of publicity Lukaku invites. We’re better off as a team with 115mil euro.


Mar 13, 2012
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The Bro
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The fucking nerve :lol:

The way he left, the bad timing, the way he embraced Chelsea as his boyhood club, to now all this. Come on Rom, you're doing poorly and Inter are not. The best thing he can do for his career is to just go where ever Conte goes, not coming back to Inter after the shit he pulled on us in the summer.


Jul 12, 2019
What a dumb thing to say especially to the Chelsea fans who want to believe in him and are basically waiting for his ass to get fit and start earning his huge wages and the transfer money they paid.

So glad we got rid of him. The timing was kinda bad but we play better without him and are doing (a little bit) better financially thanks to Chelsea's money, thanks for that.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Mar 20, 2007
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Beppe Marotta
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Now he just comes off as a pathetic glory hunter. Stay where you are boy. If I weren't too lazy to change my pfp and fave player you'd be gone. I'm sure that keeps you up at night.
OK sure he is pocketing twice the salary, but I truly believe he enjoyed life in Milano much more :D

What if he really comes on LOAN at some point LOL? Would be the masterstroke to cash in 115m AND have the player TROLOL :awyeah:

Can`t believe these statements maaaaaann ahahahahha Big Rom is hilarious. Did you guys read the bits from the interview? It is going to be soon released by Sky.


Aug 30, 2011
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I'd take him back for a free two year loan with a 80m option to buy.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 17, 2005
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Ibra on 100% vital goals is both just batshit, and goes to show how ass Milan are. That's a really interesting chart Brehme, thanks for putting that together.
I think it's more of a testament that they don't score as much overall. Milan's games are typically narrow and with the wider margin ones, Zlatan opened the score and/or had the 2nd.

The way I presented it here doesn't do much justice to actual 'vital' goals, but it's just how I decided to name them for the sake of naming it.

If I decide to do it with weighting (opening goal = x; equalizer = y; 2 goal gap in injury time = any 3 goal lead etc) the picture would look much different.

Lukaku is pretty in line then with the average for vital goals?
Well, when you consider that Lautaro's performance trumps his when they were playing together, I think a deeper look is required. But sure, it doesn't look dissimilar on paper from top scorers of other teams, at least without the penalty factor. When you factor in the PKs, it's another story,


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 9, 2015
Favorite Player
this interview is 3 weeks old. Perhaps he's happy now that he scored in the last 2 games.


Prima Squadra
Prima Squadra
Jul 31, 2019
More interested to hear Conte’s comments on the matter than Tuchel. Can totally see Conte calling out for Lukaku in next press conference.


May 22, 2012
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Im waiting for Roman Abrahamovich reaction . Big Room in trouble now
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might be Deadpool
La Grande Inter
Mar 28, 2011
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Bea Arthur
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This is a catastrophe of gargantuan proportions. This is why you never go overboard with sucking up to fans. He should shut up and play, Inter don't have money to bring you back also it's time for newer, younger strikers to come to Inter. Sorry Rom, I don't get sentimental like you want me to be.

Everybody is laughing at him, Chelsea fans, Inter fans, Milan fans, United fans,.... What a royal fuck up.


Part time Lazarus
La Grande Inter
Jun 8, 2005
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Lukaku isnt coming back in Jan, I'll bet 500 thanks on that.

Its not inconceivable next summer, I guess (ignoring the finances), but you dont drop 115m on an asset just to give up on it after 6 months

Black Knight

Jul 11, 2014
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He knows so many languages, yet he still decided to talk shit instead.


Dec 13, 2017
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Don't have one.
Lukaku without Conte at Inter will be what Lukaku has been all of his life without Conte.

Mediocre overhyped drama queen.
Nah, I don't think that would be true. I don't want him here, let's clear that out but seria a completely suits him as a league, there are like two or three defenders that can deal with him on a consistent basis, koulibaly and chiellini pop to mind immediately, everyone else is just overwhelmed by his speed and strength. On those two characteristics alone, he would rack up the numbers.


La Grande Inter
La Grande Inter
Jan 9, 2015
Favorite Player
From fedenerazzurra twitter:

Btw, If i was a Chelasea fan id be pissed as fuck.

Lukaku: "Inter have top directors but their fans are truly the best in the world. It hurt me that Inter said no to my extension, I would have stayed 100%. I watch all their matches. All of them. It is really like that when Inter touch you."

Lukaku: "Inzaghi was really a gentleman to me, a real man. Relationship with him was truly great. As soon as he became the coach, he called Handanovic and then me. My brother (Jordan) spoke very highly of Inzaghi. Inter are playing very well, everyone scores."

Lukaku: "Calhanoglu is doing very well, I'm happy for him."

Lukaku: "I miss Lautaro. For Lauti, I could die for him on the pitch. Together at Chelsea? No, no, stay at Inter because I will be back. Playing with Lautaro to me was the best. From day one, I understood that we can do great things. There was natural understanding between us."

Lukaku: "Of the teammates that I have played with, Lautaro is the best. He, De Bruyne and Hazard are my best top three teammates."

Lukaku: "The (Inter) players understood that by provoking me they would piss me off on the pitch, especially Nicolo Barella. You, you Nico, you are the worst!. Then Handanovic and Brozovic, Sensi too. It was motivation and I went crazy on the pitch."

Lukaku: "Eriksen? It was a difficult moment because to be honest with you, I spent a lot more time with my teammates than with my family. This is why when I say that my Inter teammates are brothers for life it is the truth."

Lukaku: "Had Conte stayed, would I have stayed? No, the only thing was my contract extension. Had Inter accepted it, we wouldn't be doing this interview in London but it would be in Milan. I knew there was a chance to win with Inzaghi too."

Lukaku: "There is only Inter in Italy for me. I was angry with my agent when he spoke to Juve. It is clear, very clear that in the future I will return to Inter or I will return to Anderlecht. Never at Milan, never at Juve."

Lukaku: "What happened to Eriksen really hurt me. I hope for him to return to normal live, doesn't matter if he plays football again or not. Chrstian is a great man, he didn't speak much. He made an effort to learn Italian and that was very important for us."

Lukaku: "After we won the title, I went to the directors and asked for an extension. I was fine in Milan, but they didn't want to give a new contract. I didn't go to Chelsea because Conte had left. Had Inter offered me a new deal, I would have stayed."

Lukaku: "In Milan, at Inter, those were the best moments of my professional career. I have to thank my teammates because from day 1, they had always been available to help me."

Lukaku: "Conte's coaching staff, Inzaghi's coaching staff in that one month that we were together. The club directors. Everyone is the best. The people in Milan, the Inter fans, they are the best."

But as a footballer, as a child, I grew up as a Chelsea fan, there are pictures of me when I went to Stamford Bridge when I was 15. My first time there at 18 didn't go well but this challenge has always been in my mind. I always face difficulties, it motivates me."

Lukaku: "After my first year at Inter, I turned down an offer from City which was even better than my deal now at Chelsea. It was not the time. I wanted to do something good for the club because Inter saved my career. I was in a tunnel (i.e. dead end?) at Man United."

Lukaku: "Inter made a big investment on me and we did great things together."

Lukaku: "After the Scudetto, I spoke to the club and asked for an extension because I'm 28, my family feels good here in Milan. I still have an apartment there. I said that we would all come here with the whole family. But they didn't want to, it was not possible."

Lukaku: "Real Madrid, Barcelona and Bayern, these are the absolute best clubs in football. Any player would dream of one day playing for them. And so I thought that I could make history at Inter (with that new contract) and then go to them one them."

Lukaku: "We could've continued after 2 great years. We could've continued the progression as players for me, Lautaro, Barella, Bastoni, Skriniar. We grew together. It didn't happen. So I said to myself that there was only one team where I can imagine in my mind: it was Chelsea."

Lukaku: "Going to Chelsea wasn't about money. It was about the challenge because I still haven't won in England in eight years. It was hard for me to say no to the team that I supported as a child."

Lukaku: "But you see, Inter were in difficulty. Conte went away, Hakimi went away. But I didn't say anything because I had a good relationship with the club, the fans and coach Inzaghi who called me after the announcement of his arrival."

Lukaku: "I was out in Brussels and Inzaghi called and explained to me how he wanted me to play in his team. He was my brother's coach at Lazio and my brother had spoken very well of him. Even though that we were together for a short period, I knew Inzaghi was a top coach."

Lukaku: "I will always follow Inter. I look at everything Inter related. I know that Inter would be fine anyway because last year's experience helped the team in terms of maturity and match management."

Lukaku: "Inter are doing very well, scoring so many goals. Calhanoglu is doing well and I'm happy for him. The team has taken a huge step in managing the matches. I wish them well and I hope Inter win it again. Thanks to them (the players), that I'm the Lukaku of today."

Lukaku: "Conte and I, we talked. We talked a lot. Not only about football but also about life. He knows a lot about my personal life and it hurt when he left. I was in Dubai for dinner and he texted me to let me know. Him leaving Inter was one of the most difficult moments."

Lukaku: "What if Conte stayed? It wasn't about that. It was about the contract. I knew that with Inzaghi, we would still have opportunity to win. He has already won in Italy & his next step is the Scudetto. With the contract, we would have talked in Milan and not here in London."

Lukaku: "Conte at Tottenham? He can do what he did at Inter but he knows Chelsea are very strong. Having him as an opponent is extra motivation for me to do better. Winning against those who know everything about you will be even better. I have never won against Conte."

Lukaku: "Juve tried to sign me (before he joined Inter). I got a little angry with my agent because there is only Inter for me in Italy. I was talking to them but there was no offer yet. Then I learned that Conte could go there and I waited until the end for Zhang to make offer."

Lukaku: "I told Man United that I would only join Inter even if there was a better offer from Juve. Also in the future, I will either go play for Inter or go back to Anderlect."

Lukaku: "Inter fans, I hope you understand why I came to Chelsea, to the challenge I wanted to face. Thanks for everything to the fans, playing in Serie A was a dream that came true. Let's hope we see each other again in a few years. Peace and love."

The end.
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