well, in your words, its a discussion forum and discussing it doesnt hurt anyone so why not?

Better to speculate about this without any facts than the mortality of Christian Eriksen, by a long way.
TBH, because:
1 - We'll never even raise 5% of the money we need to raise to make something like this a success
2 - There's NO historical precedent whatsoever for anything even like 10% the scale of this, let alone actually achieving it
3 - There's no indication whatsoever that Suning would be interested
4 - I'm quite surprised at how naive people are acting
If Suning waanted to sell the club, they would have months ago. I have no doubt that, if they were to take on a minority shareholder, they'd want to cash out rather than raise equity (to help manage debts in the various holding companies, rather than to directly take profit, but perhaps also that) - and bringing on a big name as the minority shareholder would make much more difference than a fan collective. You bring in a PE or something they might have the contacts to help you increase sponsorship, etc, and they'll have the money to continue to participte in fundraising if required going forwards.
A fan collective is a disaster for any level of decision making - it's obviously a very different model, but look at something like this:
In general:
1 - People are fickle and will lose interest quickly (bear in mind we'd continually need to raise capital annually just to keep afloat, let alone invest in a new stadium, etc)
2 - People do NOT put their money where their mouth is, when time comes to stump up (I would expect the celebs/business people to be about 100% investment

ledge ratio, but depending on the structure, the fans might be as low as 10%)
3 - Grass roots activities on this level of scale seldom work
Like I said, you have my predictions. This wont fail slightly. This will fail majorly - it wont raise 5 or 10% of any useful amount (e.g. to be clear, a useful amount is enough to buy a significant enough stake in the club that Suning would care, so lets call it 300-400mil?)
and then all that, set against the concept of a massive pandemic, many people hit very hard and poorer than they were before, record levels of government debts, etc. It's all just a bit tone deaf, too.